Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘Want to Get Married’

Family not allowing my marriage because of caste

I want to marry a guy and we have been in a relationship for 7 years now. His family is also ready with the marriage proposal and have approached my family a number of times. But my family is not agreeing. The only reason they are giving is that the boy is not of our caste, although he is also a Muslim. We have tried convincing them but of no use.

I don’t like the way his parents look at me

Attractions became fatal as we fell for one another. As time passed, he consulted his mother about us. I got affected as his mother was giving looks when I came over. I started to wonder if I was right from the beginning.

I want a love marriage

I asked my mother just to meet them once at least, but she says my your father will never agree and he will blame her for sending me to the institute, and she can’t make life more hell. I told her to try to convince him in a proper way, but she doesn’t agree, and she said that I’m trying to break her trust by saying this.

My parents treat the idea of me marrying like a shameful thing

Whenever I bring up the topic of marriage to either of my parents, it’s always been immediately brushed under the carpet or not taken seriously.

How do I tell my parents I want to marry a Nigerian boy?

I’m a sister who is 19 years old and am interested in a religious Nigerian boy. For starters, I don’t know how to approach this and get my family to send a proposal through to his.

Haram relationship!!!

My fiance keeps telling me that he’s not ready for marriage.

Confusion over a non-Muslim guy

I’m witnessing that Allah is making him close to my parents and my parents have started to like him…

Help needed regarding future marriage

Will me waiting 5 years for him be healthy for us? How do i go about this in the islamic way?

Unclear result of isteqara

Our hearts are not able to accept to move apart even now.

My parents dont accept him

They say because he is Mexican and too young… He isn’t Muslim so he is willing to convert for me.