Tag Archive for ‘who will marry me’
I’m Scared to RE-MARRY after a disaster marriage!!
My inner confidence is very low but I know this is another test for me and I pray to Allah swt for sincere help and guidance with tears wallahi and to you brothers and sisters for sincere help
I don’t get proposals, because I have no Father
Assalamu alaikum. I am a girl of about 16yrs. My dad is late and so i live wid my mum. She remarried after my dad’s death but later sought for a divorce due to some reasons. By Allah, I want to marry some one whoz very religious. But i know, no religious person will propose […]
I am an Amputee and I am ignored
I had a road traffic accident in my early childhood, which left me with severe injuries resulting an amputation of my lower limb. However, I now live a fulfilled, content and happy life and wear a prosthesis to continue my daily living . I have no questions to Allah on the calamity that befell on me, I have accepted this as it was the will of Allah (swt). But recently I have being experiencing some ignorance and prejudice from people around me.
The man I loved betrayed me and married another. Who will marry me?
I wrote to you all regarding my break up and betrayal by my ex in April. That day must of been the darkest day of my life as I felt everything had just crumbled. Since that day I’ve become to close to Allah I repent my sins, how I filled my heart for love for a man not Allah, how I was blinded and failed to read the signs and I’m trying to understand slowly yeah everything happens for a reason and Allah has saved me in the long run. I have many times throughout the day where my heart sinks and I feel depressed. But I think more what makes me down and depressed is what’s next for me?