Tag Archive for ‘womaniser’

Should I marry my cousin? Who’s not at all compatible and neither a nice person?
He went back to Pakistan and started again his life with Guns and Pistols… I deserve much better person than him and even my mother knows that, than how can she expect me to marry him?

Should I divorce my husband?
I don’t know what to do, I’m just keep on praying that Allah (s.w.t) will guide me in my decisions, I really want to save our marriage but it looks like I was the only one who does…

I was his second wife, but now a third woman is calling him
Two years ago, I agreed to marry my husband as a second wife, he advised me he was engaged to another woman and still intended to marry her. I was so much concerned about her feelings and how that would affect his life and her life and he assured me that she was ok with it. All was wonderful except I found that a third woman was calling him all the time, anytime of day, and he even answered her calls in front of me.