Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘work’

Husband is not thankful

I feel I am just there to cater to his needs. All his focus is on his trip to Pakistan… I don’t even know if he will ever come back.

Afraid to keep the baby

I keep asking myself is it worth it to terminate my pregnancy for this job? I’m very afraid.

Istikhara Dream Interpretation

I did istikhara and had a vivid dream.

A housewife or working woman?

Since we got married I have been taking care of all expenses… Now he says I am not a proper Muslim woman.

Halal Job?

Are these jobs halal?

Is there any wazaifs I can recite or foods I can eat to increase knowledge and brain power?

I seem to be struggling with remembering some basic knowledge.

How to stop someone from taking alcohol?

My father is too much into alcohol from a very long time now… When I objected to it he asked me to leave the house.

I don’t feel things will get better

You would think your partner would be the first to support you when you share something with him, but he doesn’t support me at all…

Does Islam permit working in real estate company that takes loans on interest?

Please give me clear and authenticated views on which bases I can take decision.

Should I change my job?

I want to know whether changing my job would be good for me or not.