Was my secret nikah valid?
Asslam o alikum
I want to ask that i met a boy 2 years back and we started loving each other. After 4 months that boy asked me to do nikah with him secretly because he was going abroad and he said that he is afraid that i will get married with someone else. So i signed a nikah paper with him without presence of any witness or qazi. After that he kept nikah paper with him and said he will get it registered. He never showed me registered nikah paper. I never lived with him as his wife. He left for abroad after one month. After few months a girl messaged me and told that she is his wife and she wanted to know about our reltionship. I told her whole story she said thats not a nikah and she asked me to stay away from her husband. I was really very much hurt and cried alot. Then i moved on and now i want to marry another man. I want to ask is it necessary to take divorce from that man first? Is my first nikah valid? Or i can proceed with my marriage?
Please help me
Imaan khan
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Im not a scholar but as far as my understanding, NO. U dont need divorce from that coward because ur nikah was not valid. Just by singing a paper dosnt make u somone's wife.. There are a few conditions for a nikah to be valid. Dont think about that layar or singing the paper. Its good that u,ve moved on. Learn from that mistake and never again have any secret relitionship or nikah with anyone. Always involved ur perents before disiding to marry somone.
Every intention will be weighed.So her paper was intended to sign an agreement..Know I can sleep with her and now we can just walk away.....Seriously what Islam is this ....The world is getting punished because the muslims are committing the sins...this is fact.
Alaikomissalam Sister Imaan Khan:
Such Nikah is not valid as there is no secret marriage in Islam.
Since it is not a valid marriage, divorce is not needed. Thus, you can go on with your new would-be marriage.
Thank you
You must divorce him....It seems to me that you are not serious about your faith as a Muslim. ..This body is a trust from Allah...and those who disobey Allah and teachings of prophet Muhammad PBUH will never succeed in this world and the hereafter.....We must look into her lives are we making Allah happy are the people of the world....You will be asked on that day definately. .So renew your attentions and learn your Deen properly ..Pray 5 times and learn quran read regularly this will protect you keep you happy and give you Barakah in everything.
OP: After few months a girl messaged me and told that she is his wife and she wanted to know about our relationship. I told her whole story she said thats not a nikah and she asked me to stay away from her husband. I was really very much hurt and cried alot.
How do you know it was a girl who messaged you? It could have been your b/f who wanted to send you a message.
Did your b/f sleep with you after your secret marriages? Most these secret marriages are done to make a girl feel that she is doing halal things with her b/f.
That girl called me n she showed me her nikah papers with him. She also showed me his passport n visa copy. He has gone abroad on her support. Her name was mentioned on his visa as his wife. All visa process papers when she has supprted him for visa as his visa. All papers were verified from foreign ministry as well as embassy. Thats how i know that was the girl.
And i already mentioned i never lived with him as wife
It looks like he was just looking for a visa entry not a wife. So he found someone else and did nikah with her. It's sad but he just found you probably quite vulnerable and alone and thought you were an easy target. This is why it's important to get a wali involved early on before marriage, for your own protection so you don't get pushed around. Anyways just pray to Allah for forgiveness then just move on and get on with your life. Dwelling on the past doesn't help the future. May Allah provide you with all the best in terms of happiness and success. Ameen