What are the rules regarding second marriage?
If a man is already married, can he convert to Islam and marry a second wife without divorcing the first?
~ Glynrm
If a man is already married, can he convert to Islam and marry a second wife without divorcing the first?
~ Glynrm
Alsalam Alikom (Peace be upon you);
Is he converting "just" so he can have more than just one wife? Are you guys in a Muslim country? Maybe some more info would help answer you better.
But in general (without going into details), In Islam a Muslim man can be married to more than one wife at the same time up to four wives. Also, a Muslim man can marry a Christian or a Jewish lady.
I hope that helped.
May ALLAH guide us, grant us patience, and shower us with his mercy.
If I am correct, it is from ALLAH. If I err it is from me, and I pray ALLAH forgives me.
Alsalam Alikom
Glynrm, it sounds like this man wants to convert only so he can marry more than one wife, and that is not legitimate. We're not playing games here. Islam is a real and serious faith, not an avenue to a legal loophole, or a way for a man to have his wife and girlfriend too.
If a person has converted sincerely to Islam, believing in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and intending to practice the tenets of Islam, then yes, he is allowed to marry up to four wives, provided they are Muslim, Christian or Jewish.
However, in some countries this is illegal, so that's something you should be aware of.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
The Faqeeh and 'Allaamah Muhammad Bin Saalih al-'Uthaymeen was asked:
Q: Salaamu'alaykum your excellence, to what extent should muslims who live in non-muslim countries obey the disbelieving ruler and his regime?
A: [After praising Allah and sending his blessings upon his messenger]
The disbelieving ruler should be obeyed in that which does not conflict with the rules of the sharia, such as not committing crime in that country, and not leaving rubbish on the floor and so on and so forth.
if he makes something which is made lawfull by Allaah unlawfull, or he requires the muslims to commit something which is unlawfull in the sight of Allah, then he is not to be obeyed.
[fataawa islamiah collection]
Indeed this is true. If the ruler commands us to pray to Jesus, we must not do that. However, it is not required in Islam to marry more than one wife. Most Muslims can - and do - marry one wife and fulfill their deen. So no one is being required to do something unlawful in this situation.
Secondly, I did not suggest that he should not marry a second wife. I said its illegality in certain countries is something to be aware of. Don't you think it's good to be aware of all the facts before making a decision?
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
polygamy maybe a necessity for some societies if their is a shortage of Muslim men so that the men can protect the women however it is not for the benefit of the man it is not a luxury either or an ego boost. The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him used polygamy for the benefit of the protection of Muslim women he did not do it because of his carnal desires rather to help the women. Therefore pologamy is a necessity in some societies such as Palestine were there maybe a shortage of men so to get the male and female population at the same rate pologamy maybe a necessity.
Unfortunately Polygamy is most often misunderstood and misused for the wrong reasons (i.e.carnal desires) by ignorant Muslim men. Those types of Muslim men have weak faith and do not practice it correctly and misuse exploit and neglect Muslim women and have very little respect for women.
so to sum up pologamy is practised for the protection of the women but god did not say that anyone has to practice pologamy rather it is optional depending on the circumstances the prophet peace be upon him did it for the sake of the Muslim women .
so do not force anyone into a polygamous marriage because this is Unislamic we do not lie and deceive people as a Muslim you must be honest to anyone because they are your brother and sister in islam the most important thing in islam is praying and believing one god.
you shouldn't convert to islam just to marry more then one wife just for your benefit islam is a very serious religion and marriage is very serious too do not treat islam as joke if you pick and choose the things you like you will be punished on the day of judgement and you will burn in hell-fire .
if you are thinking about converting to islam consider other factors of islam that you need to know about
-you must believe in Allah the prophet as the last messenger and that god has no partners
-Jesus as a prophet
-you must fast during Ramadan
-basically submit to the will of Allah
the most important thing in islam is belief in one god their so many aspects of islam you need to learn about put pologamy aside learn about the other great things in islam study the Quran aswell their so many other things you need to know about islam learn and study them as Muslim you should be striving to strengthen your iman(faith) and knowledge
another point i wanted make is why would he need to convert just to enter polygamy he can marry as many as he wants as a Christian.
In the bible it says that a man as many wives as he wants
astaghfirullah! do not use and abuse islam just for your own sake gain knowledge about Allah, the Quran first.
youre making assumptions about his character without knowing the full story!
above 'just a man' gave the best asnwer - well done.
brother Ali
you mentioned 'shortage of muslim men' as the main reason for polygamy - yes thats a good reason.
do you know the stats? do you the ratio of women to men in the west? or in saudi? or towards the end of time?
if you did... you wouldnt only mention palestine!
The warring countries are definitly in short supply of men and even more so of good men and even more so of good muslims men!
The west is also short of men - women outnumber men by 4 women to every man.
In saudi its 5 women to every man!
-I was making a point that polygamy is not to be misused for the wrong reasons I was using the stats for Palestine as an example to back up my point I don't need to state every single statistics as I'm sure I've made my point very clear I have already highlighted some the main reasons why polygamy is allowed and why the prophet did it ....so what do you find so difficult to comprehend!!!???
-Also your wrong about the Saudi statistics recent data says that Saudi has a higher male population ' the sex ratio of Saudi Arabia is – '130:100' this means that Saudi 30+ more men then women.
-Also the fact that they are not good Muslim men does not mean that they can not marry its not for us to judge his character and deen but we can give dawah and pray for god to guide these people
to become better people.</strong
Brother ali. Am sorry but you are absolutely wrong. . . . . Even if there are no shortage of men, even if the male population is here than the female population, a man can marry up to four wives out of his whims and desires. The conditions you are giving have got no bases in islam, and if you think it has some bases , i would humbly appreciate it if you can point out atleast one single reference from the koran or hadith to back up your claim. . . . The only condition governing polygamy in islam is to be found in chapter four of the holy koran where Allah says a man should marry women of his choice from two, three or four, but if he cannot maintain justice between them, then he should marry only one. . . The only condition is "justice". If a man thinks he can maintain justice between the wives, the he is free to marry up to four if that would satisfy his desires. But if he knows he cannot maintain justice between the wives, then he better be patient with one, otherwise marrying more than one would be a fitnah for him on the day of judgement.
when the verse was revealed it was after the battle of Uhud when Muslims lost alot of Muslim men which sadly left alot of women widowed the Muslims needed a solution and so000 pologamy was solution to the problem
-so that they could get the male and female balance back
-the verse was also suggesting to men to marry orphan girls who reached the marriageable age
-the verse also set a limit on pologamy as their were no limits
and gave women their rights
-in islam we marry for love not for lust if you don't understand what love is I suggest you ask your Mum and dad.
-the solution was there to protect the women.
Many Muslim people do not understand that it is not to satisfy a Man's sexual desires it is actually to benefit the Muslim ummah and most importantly for the protection and the dignity of the Muslim women.
as a Muslim you have to think more intelligently and try and understand the quran properly.
disgusting that you think men can marry just so that they can satisfy their desires you said that ''he is free to marry up to four if that would satisfy his desires. that is untrue its for the benefit of women not men Muslim women are to treated with respect would you like it if your sister was treated like object to satisfy a man's lust I certainly would not want my sister to marry a man who has a mind set like yours. The prophet peace be upon him said you marry a women for four things are her lineage ,wealth ,beauty and her religion but you should marry the one who is religious. You see even the prophet Muhammad said you should marry a women because of her religion. I personally will only marry the religious women not for lust but for love and because of her strong faith in Islam. I wouldn't take a second wife for lust but if I saw a sister who really needed help financially and it was a necessity I would marry her only if it was a necessity.
The Wisdom Behind Prophet Muhammad's Plural Marriages
sorry i gave you the wrong link
".. We marry for love not for lust and if you dont no what love is YOU SHOULD GO AND ASK YOUR MOM OR DAD,". . my friend, you are an arrogant fellow. This statement of your's that i quoted sound very insultive to me. . You dont even know who you are speaking with and all you do is just to give an insultive and vulgar statements. . . This is not islam my friend, You need to be humble and address people with respect, kindness and good words.. By the way nobody is suggesting that a man should marry a woman for 'lust' reasons. Well! No need,, I dont think you even deserve any response . . . But read and understand the link you gave properly, for it just verify my statements. Your post is full of vulgarity and for your betterment, it would be good you learn how to address people. Thank you
Surah An-Nisa, 4:129, Sahih International Translation:
And you will never be able to be equal [in feeling] between wives, even if you should strive [to do so]. So do not incline completely [toward one] and leave another hanging. And if you amend [your affairs] and fear Allah - then indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.
Muhsin Khan Translation:
You will never be able to do perfect justice between wives even if it is your ardent desire, so do not incline too much to one of them (by giving her more of your time and provision) so as to leave the other hanging (i.e. neither divorced nor married). And if you do justice, and do all that is right and fear Allah by keeping away from all that is wrong, then Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Scholars and historical context concede that this verse refers to "love" and thus, it too governs the issue of having multiple wives. By this reference, this issue of mere whims and desires of the man is not in keeping with Qur'anic revelation, as he must move past the selfish lower nafs and aspire to higher moral love in the Path of Allah (swt).
i told you i gave you the wrong link here this is the right link!
"vulgarity and for your betterment, it would be good you learn how to address people. Thank you" your describing yourself their your clearly the arrogant one who views women like objects i respect my fellow sisters in islam! respect is something you should learn!
bother ali is my brother and he is very knowledgeable so its best you keep your hands away from the keyboard
What is you intention for converting to Islam?
I think we are drifting "Again" into the discussion of why marrying more than one, should there be a condition to marry more than one, should there be a reason, should all wives know about each other, legality issues, should we follow the legal system (I live in the USA, and for that I usually respond: This is a legal system and not a Muslim Ummah. If you do not like the system, you can leave, you can try to change it, but if you just go get married, there will be consequences ) etc. and that would really require a different thread, AND Imams or people with Elm 🙂 I guess we know parts, but not the whole pie 🙂
For this question:
"If a man is already married, can he convert to Islam and marry a second wife without divorcing the first?"
The Answer is "YES". W ALLAH Alam
Any body disagree?
May ALLAH guide us, grant us patience, and shower us with his mercy.
If I am correct, it is from ALLAH. If I err it is from me, and I pray ALLAH forgives me.
If the first wife is a not of the People from the Book, i.e., Muslim, Christian or Jew, and then he reverted/converted to Islam he would have to divorce the first wife from my understanding. Am I wrong?
hmm, good point. I do not know the answer for that.
Wael: can you please help wiht this one?
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IslamicAnswers.com Editor