Asalaam u Alaikum
I have a question that if a person who has been a victim to other person's wrong doings and the victim's heart is broken badly, then if he makes a bad dua wherein he involves the oppressor's children in his bad dua. Does the curse befalls on those innocent children.
Do they have to bare the burden of their parents wrong deeds?
What happens when parents continue to their wrong doings even if their children oppose them and ask them to quit?
What happens when their own children are victim of their ill behavior and want to get rid of such parents?
Is there any way out for those children to save them from the bad dua?
Kindly please answer
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Assalamo alaikum
It is said when parents do wrong deeds by hurting someone, children do suffer as the result because of their parents. If your parents hurt someone in anyway, tell them to go to the victim and ask for forgiveness. If they refused to ask forgiveness, then go behalf of them. Try to educate your parents about halal and Haram ways to treat people. You can't leave you parents just because they cause problem for you. If they are Muslim parents, you cannot leave them and run away. I know you don't wish to take the burden of your parents action. That's why you can't stay silent and pretend it's okay what ever your parents doing, as long it doesn't involve you, right? But you have to understand, when it comes to parents, you have to point out their wrongs so they can be safe and as well for you too. As always pray to Allah and ask for help and help for your parents. It says, Allah can forgive any sins his servant makes if he/she ask for forgiveness but the one sin he will not forgive is one person is hurting another person until he/she ask forgiveness. Allah sees everything. If the other party still curse at you after apologies, and you did your part by talking to your parents, try not to worry to much and pray to Allah for solution.
Good luck!
Assalaamualaykum farahnisa,
You write:
"... then if he makes a bad dua wherein he involves the oppressor's children in his bad dua. Does the curse befalls on those innocent children."
Allah is The Most Just and I do not believe He would accept such a dua.
"Do they have to bare the burden of their parents wrong deeds?"
Children are affected greatly by their parents deeds in this life, but are only tested to each of their capacities. They are also tested only to each of their capacities when it comes to bringing their own parents to the right path.
"What happens when their own children are victim of their ill behavior and want to get rid of such parents?"
This is a sad situation indeed and Allah the Most Wise must have great compensation for these children in his overall plan. It takes great patience and faith in Allah on the part of these children in this life.
"What happens when parents continue to their wrong doings even if their children oppose them and ask them to quit?"
The parents are responsible for their own behavior.
I sincerely hope that you or whoever you know is struggling with this gets relief soon, Inshallah.
Question doesn't make sense. .think about it ?people in this world only do good or bad..If they do bad they are actually cursing themselves ..A believer has children like myself..always read the quls on them and drink water that I have read manzil on it.Quran zikr are shields from everything..the worst is people who look with jealousy or hate .The eyes have the most effect...That's why we lower are gazes at all times...You must seek knowledge from a sunni scholar .These are the people that are guides for humanity..there the telephone poles that are conected to the transistor. .and that is prophet Muhammad.So knowledge is very important.
When I was a kid I had 2 close friends. Their moms would always compare me to their daughters, why they can't be like me (responsible) and pretty looking like me. As I am much older now, my life has not progressed where I need to be. I am pretty behind in life. Instead their daughters got to reach the sky's (education, jobs, husbands) and became established. I was just a simple average girl, living a normal happy life.... and my mom's friends were jealous of my mom for raising good kids. Due to this evil eye, we feel we are stuck and behind, no changes in our lives after so many attempts to improve our lives. What can we do? We been praying the 3 Quls and even got a ruqiya. Still no changes. It got me so worried and I have anxiety sometimes.
Tami, As-salamu alaykum. The first thing to do is to sop comparing yourself to those other two. Forget about what they achieved. You only need to compare yourself to yourself. Are you moving forward in life, even if only slowly?
Compare yourself now to where you were last year or the year before, or even five years ago. Have you accomplished any of your goals, or at least taken steps on that path? If so, then that's what matters.
Everyone has different paths in life. Not everyone will follow the traditional educational and career path. But that doesn't meant that your path is less valid or less meaningful. You may in fact have more to offer in the long run, because the struggle to overcome your obstacles may make you stronger and wiser than others.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Sounds like my mom! You sure we ain't related!
Probably not since I always heard the opposite from my own mom. "Why can't you be like so-and-so," etc. "You used to be such a good kid, what happened to you?"
I had to find my own self-worth and learn to value myself, no matter what anyone else says.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Walaikum Asalam Wael,
First off, I wanted to say how thankful I am to find this site 10 years ago. I am always here reading and gaining valuable knowledge about Islam and how to deal with life. May Allah bless you for spreading knowledge.
I agree with all you said. I am proud of all the achievements I accomplished and working towards. All the struggles that I am going through will make me wiser. And at the end it will be the best inshAllah. I pray that my search for marriage and to start a family happens soon, as it is extremely getting hard. I pray for all the single sisters. I wonder whatever happened to commenter PreciousStar, I pray for her too.
Thanks for your kind comment sister. Precious Star checks in every now and then. I believe her last comment was in February. I'll reach out to her and see how she's doing.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Salam brother Wael,
Hope you had a nice Eid, from the above reply were you able to get in touch with precious star? Was she able to finally find husband? She was really struggling.
Asalam Alekum,
Dear sister stop worrying instead read about the Peaceful Deen for surely it has so many paths we can take to correct our situation.
Starting making istighfar, istighfar gives a lot of blessings.
Learn the Language of the Holly Quran because only then you get to deeply understand the meanings of our beautiful religion. 🙂
“Learn the Arabic language; it will sharpen your wisdom.” -Umar Ibn Al Khattab-
And finally, Read this beautiful article about istighfar (Repentance) and its benefits.
Wa Salam Alekum
JazakAllah Khair sister. Your words are very insightful. It's is definitely the key to getting closer to Allah (swt) and opening many doors.
In sha Allah write like this