Why Allah is not listening to me about this boy?
Asalamoaleykum' brothers & sisters
Now'a days I'm too much confused. I met one guy, he is very nice - good muslim - 'alhamdolillah I also offered 5 times Saalah,fasting & read Quran also. But I don't know where my life is going.
My parents are searching for a guy for me but they didn't get success & I was in a relationship with a guy but he forced me to do sin so I left him & he spits on my face. But I love Allah, I really cried and it took too much time to come out that bad memories but alhamdolillah 2 years have completed out of that situation.
I didn't find anyone else. I always pray to Allah please give me a pious partner, I don't want to commit any zina and that's why I want to get married as soon as possible.
I met a guy 1 month ago and he is very nice. I have a feelings for him but he doesn't want to give commitment. He came to my place and we both went to umrah together then I dropped him in the hotel. He said "come in my room". I was tired and was fasting, then I slept another bit for 2 hours then I got up he said come & give me a hug. I was thinking what should I do? I remembered my ex-boyfriend but I gave him a hug then he hugged me very tightly. He didn't do anything else, but from that day I have been apologising to Allah.
I don't want to make any sin and that's why I want to get married but he says he is my friend. Can I propose to him for marriage, or should I leave him? I prayed a lot asking please Allah don't give me any feelings for him.
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salam sister,
if you really feel for this guy and he does for you to then tell him to come to your house, bring proposal for marriage or something, tell your parents about him. you should hurry to marry him if there is a chance of any fitnah.
Why don't u test him before proposing him. Means tell him that u told ur parents about him and they are serious to meet u. Check his reaction then what he wants. If he will make xcuses thn leave him on the spot. If that guy z serious he will make plan with u for marriage. Just try it. U can do istkhara also.
OP: He said "come in my room". I was tired and was fasting, then I slept another bit for 2 hours then I got up he said come & give me a hug......
You slept for 2 hours in a room with a stranger and he just hugged you.
If he isn't serious about wanting a halal relationship, then you need to end all contact with him. You deserve a man who will treat you with respect and be prepared to commit to a marriage.
There are a few warning signs with this guy - he's not keen for commitment, he says he is your friend, he invited a non-mahram woman into his bed on Umrah(!).
That doesn't sound like a guy who's serious about marriage or doing things in a halal way. I'd advise that, if you really like him, you tell him that he needs to approach your parents with a proposal and be prepared to do things according to Islamic limits. If he isn't willing to do this, then don't waste any more time on him.
IslamicAnswers.com editor
Now 'he said i love u but still he is not giving me any commitment'what I should do now?y all man hearting me y i'm not getting right man in my life. If' he is that guy allah made for me so'y he is playing vd my feelings?allah really made couple or not?
Nisha: 'he said i love u but still he is not giving me any commitment'
Many guys will say I love you to get the girl in bed. I don't think he wants to marry you. You stayed with him for 2 hr and nothing happened. Many men will use you if you let them. Let your parents find a husband for you. If some guy approaches you, ask him to talk to your parents.
I said to him ' he said i love u but not that way ' he has given commitment then he said u hve trust issue we ' ll not continue,ur only my friend, i sai y u said u loved me ' he said sorry i was wrong he played my feelings I never forgive him ' i left him i told him' Allah is watching everything he said yes' i' m very frustrate he did wrong with me 'y all guys play only girls feeling ' now' what I should do..y all mans ditch me only where' i' am wrong' he'll comeback or not.'ll he realise or not?