Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Will going to a concert behind my parents’ back take me to hell?

It is a PG concert with no drugs or alcohol, and monitored by security.

I'm 18 and I've never been to a concert before, and this concert I really want to go to isn't a dance-ish techno concert, so people won't be all drunk and crazy, I've been good all my life but music means so much to me and this concert means too much to me.

Will I go to hell if I go to the concert but do nothing haram (drinking, using drugs, dancing with the opposite sex etc)  when I'm there?

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4 Responses »

  1. Salaam,
    no-one knows who will enter heaven or hell, there will be people who may have sinned all their life but will please Allah so much in one act that they can be granted a place in heaven, however you have made 2 mistakes by going to the concert:
    - going behind your parents back was a wrong thing to do, had you Allah forbid been hurt or injured then they would not have known and if you had not returned then they may also wait with worry and anxiety, putting such unnecessary pressures on your parents is not good, and you should always be truthful, whatever the circumstance, bear this in mind next time you go out.
    - Music is haraam, whether it is in the company of drink or not, but asking the modern generation such as yourself to stop listening at once, would be quite tough and so i would suggest you cut down slowly on the amount of music you listen to, and especially do not pay to purcahse music or attend music events, start listening to nasheeds, you will develop a liking since now their are many artists who aim their nasheeds at the younger generation.

    You say you are usually good, and for that reason i am guessing you dont regulalry attend concerts or have bad habits, and so i wont be harsh, but listen to your parents and tell them if you are going alone or wherever you going, and slowly start moving from music to nasheeds, it takes time, and with most of the modern muslim world de-sensitied to the status of music in islamic context, it is a big ask, but keep faith in Allah and inshaAllah all will be good.

    Hope that answers your question.

  2. Salaams,

    No one of us can say which sin or sins will send someone to Hell with certainty. If you study hadith, you will see examples of where a particular sin sent an otherwise seemingly righteous person to punishment, just as you will see examples of how one good deed sends an otherwise sinful person to paradise. A better question you might ask yourself is, if you think going to this concert might be the thing that could put you in danger of hellfire, is it worth the risk of doing it anyway?

    Obviously it's not. There must be something about this concert that is causing you to question whether you should go or not, outside of the obvious haraams that you mentioned you would not indulge in. Perhaps the music is haraam? Perhaps you will be surrounded by people doing haraam, even though you are not a participant?

    If you really feel you need to go to a concert, why not go to one at least put on by a Muslim performer like Sami Yusuf, Maher Zain, etc? I am sure that choosing something like that would be much clearer upon your conscience.

    -Amy Editor

  3. To be honest, concerts are overrated. Your ears will receive damage, the tickets costs too much, the food is overpriced, there are drunks no matter who or where it is and you'll be sinning. And the temptation to do more haraam will be exemplified just by being there. Ask yourself, would you visit Hell just to see what it's like? There's your answer.

  4. First remember this !!!!.... Disobidience to Parents is a Major sin. and its Gunah-e-Kabeera.. and it will not be forgiven by Allah (swt) and if someone dies without even getting opportunity to make Tauba and without leaving this major sin forever,,.. He/She will be punished.. . and severness of that punishment can not be felt or undetstand in this world. The fire of Jahanum (Hell) is 70 times hoter than the fire of this world. so nobody can even imagine the heat and severeness of Jahanum. May Allah protect us all from punishment of hell in Grave, and On the day of Qayama' . Aameen.
    So brother, plz do not disobey your parents.

    2nd,, Music is totaly Haraam. it makes Iblis shaitan (devil) Happy and makes Allah (swt) angry. you should always stay away of this evil thing. There is Ayat and many Ahadiths about this. Music is forbidden and Haraam in Islam..

    And you r thinking of doing these both major sins.. . so keep yourself away from the fire of Jahanum.
    May Allah (swt) make, you and all muslims to act upon the teachings of Islam. Aameen.

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