Will my fast be accepted without prayers?
alam alaikum, and Ramadan Mubarak, I hope this message reaches you in good health inshAllah.
I'm recently learning of Islam and love it very much, I'm fasting and InshAllah Allah SWT accepts my fast. However, I don't yet know how to pray, I'm learning dua's online and hope my fast will be accepted inshAllah.
I've heard that if you don't pray during Ramadan that your fast won't be accepted? Is this true, even if you don't know how to pray? InshAllah you can tell me what is right, your response will be very much appreciated. Masalama x
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As salamu alaykum, iloveislam,
I am sorry I am not going to answer your question, I would like that you visit your nearest mosque and you express your wish to learn about Islam, there I am sure they will guide you, insha´Allah.
The Iman may help you and give you guidance and books where you can learn about Islam and there is a special book about salat, that will be very useful for you. He will tell you that you need to do shahada to be muslim. You will need to learn to do gushl and wudu. This is the complete ablution and the partial ablution. Haram and halal,.............and many other subjects.
There are some interesting pages that you may find extremely useful:
http://www.islamicfinder.org/ Here you can find the timetables of prayers all over the world.
http://www.islamicfinder.org/prayer/index.html Here you have guidance to learn to pray, remember before doing wudu or gushl to say "Bismillah".
http://www.suhaibwebb.com/ This is an excellent webpage where you will find excellent series of articles where you are going to learn a lot, insha´Allah. Related to salat there is a beautiful serie by Jinan Bastaki called:
http://www.zawaj.com/askbilqis/ramadan-mubarak/ A beautiful post about this Ramadan
And this are some posts that we have published that maybe interesting for you to read,
Ramadan Mubarak
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
assalamulaikum brother there is nothing to worry about your fastings ALLAH will surely accept them coz you are a new muslim but i think its better for you to listen to what sister maria m says honestly shs has given you a good advice and yeah try to get active sooner and hang out in a masjid and learn how to pray as soon as passible