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Photo Gallery: Hajj 2003
Monday, 10 February, 2003, 15:05 GMT
In pictures: Hajj climax
Two million Muslims have gathered
on the sacred Plain of Arafat in the land of the Holy Places
for the climax of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, praying for forgiveness
and for war to be averted in Iraq.
Pilgrims gather on Mount Arafat, where the Messenger of Allah
(pbuh) delivered his last sermon 14 centuries ago. |
The Hajj is a must for every Muslim at least once in a lifetime,
and it cleanses and purifies the soul. |
Muslims come from all over the world to attend the Hajj. For
many, this is the most significant experience of their lives. |
The pilgrims spend the day praying and reading Qur'an amid scorching
temperatures. |
There is high security because of Saudi fears of anti-American
protests, but this has not stopped the pilgrims from performing
their duties. |
At the end of the Hajj, Muslims all over the world celebrate
Eid ul Adha or festival of the sacrifice. These Muslim women
are leaving a Masjid in Baghdad, Iraq. |
Reprinted from the BBC Online