Tag archive for ‘Ramadan Mubarak from Zawaj.com’
Ramadan Mubarak! Happy Ramadan 1436 AH / 2015
Posted by wael on 6/17/15 • Categorized as Ramadan Articles,Website Announcements
As-salamu alaykum dear readers and fellow editors. On behalf of Zawaj.com I wish you all a happy, blessed and successful Ramadan.
The world needs change, and it needs hope. The world needs individuals capable of self-sacrifice, righteousness in the face of greed, compassion instead of cruelty, and love to conquer hate.
Isn’t this what Ramadan is about? It is a time of pure connection to Allah, pure worship, and reawakening the fitrah of the heart. It is a time of softening what has become hard in us, and cleansing what has become stained. Of course we do this fee sabeel-illah – in the cause of Allah – but let us not forget also that Islam carries with it an obligation to family, to society and to the world.
I challenge myself to do five things this Ramadan. One, to strive for awareness and humility in my salat. Two, to strive for self-purification. Three, to increase my love and kindness toward my family. Four, to ask forgiveness from whoever I have harmed. Five, to make a sacrifice (whether in money or time) for the sake of the Ummah and the world.
Will you do the same? Together, Insha’Allah, we can make a difference.
Oh Allah, make this Ramadan a start full of peace and faith, safety and Islam. Oh Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, so forgive us and and guide us forward. Ameen!
Wael Abdelgawad
Zawaj.com Editor
Fresno, California, USA
Ramadan Mubarak from Zawaj.com -
Ramadan Mubarak! Happy Ramadan 1436 AH / 2015
6/17/15 • (1)