Ramadan: the Greatest Opportunity (0)
4/24/20 •
All praise is due to Allah for guiding us to Islam, and for allowing us to witness another Ramadan. Let us thank Allah for all of His favors upon us, which are too many to count. There is so much we take for granted, so much we forget to thank Allah for.
Recent Posts and things

New Muslims fast for the first time in Ramadan (0)
from Ramadan Articles»
7/10/13 •
The fast of Ramadan is exciting for those who have just converted to Islam and are beginning their first fasting experience in their 40’s.
Dua’ (Prayers) when breaking fast in Ramadan (0)
from Knowledge,Ramadan Articles»
4/22/21 •
Here are three beautiful duas from the sunnah, that you can use when breaking your fast in Ramadan.

Ramadan Announcement 1442 AH / 2021 (0)
from Ramadan Articles,Website Announcements»
4/12/21 •
First day of Ramadan in North America will be Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Ramadan Mubarak! May Allah give us the strength to experience the benefits of this month, and make it a source of forgiveness and mercy for all of us.

Muslims Balance Faith and Romance (0)
from Marriage Articles»
3/31/21 •
Unlike most Western societies, where people rely on an experimental method to finding a partner, searching for a spouse is more of a courtship process in Islamic cultures.

Teenage Girls Search for Love and Marriage in Saudi Arabia (0)
from Courtship in Islam,Dating in Islam,Finding a Match,Marriage Articles,Muslim Teenagers,Women in Islam»
3/11/21 •
Well-brought-up unmarried Saudi girls are so isolated from boys that it sometimes sounds as if they are discussing a different species.

Advice for Newly Married Couples, Part 1: Cultivate Compassion (4)
from Husband and Wife Relationship,Husband and Wife Relationship Tips,Marriage Articles,Nurturing Love»
10/21/20 •
There comes a time when the exciting honeymoon period wears off, and some of your partner’s little quirks that you thought were cute become annoying.

Zawaj.com Humor Files: Goha Gives Thanks for Lost Donkey (0)
from Zawaj.com Humor Files»
5/19/20 •
People were surprised to hear Joha thanking God when he’d just lost his prized donkey…

The Importance of the Mehr in Islam (0)
from Mahr,Marriage Articles,Weddings in Islam»
4/06/20 •
These days, marriages are being conducted with great pomp and show in which a great deal of wealth is squandered. If, instead of spending so much on unnecessary items, top priority is given to the payment of mehr, it would mean fulfilling a religious obligation.

Why Millions of Muslims Are Signing Up For Online Matchmaking (3)
from Marriage Articles»
10/07/19 •
Some Western Muslims have concluded that online matchmaking is easier and less embarrassing than trying to meet someone the usual way.

Traditional Rural and Ethnic Iranian Weddings: 20 Beautiful Photos (0)
from Marriage Articles,Muslim Wedding Customs,Muslim Wedding Photos,Muslim Weddings»
8/04/19 •
Iran has a huge variety of ethnic subgroups, each with their own unique wedding customs. Check out these fascinating photos.
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Muslims Balance Faith and Romance