Morning and Evening Dhikr – Part 1
(Other parts in this series: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6)
- Part 1 - What is Dhikr?
- Part 2 - Ayatul Kursi, Last 3 Surahs, Dua in Salaah, Tasbih, Tahmeed, Takbir & Tahleel
- Part 3 - Supplications 1-3
- Part 4 - Supplications 4-6
- Part 5 - Supplications 7-10+
- Part 6 - Supplications 11-15
Dhikr - What is it?
DHIKR is the remembrance of Allah. Every time we think of Allah, do Salaah, recite Quran, make a Dua, do Tasbeeh, mention Allah in conversation, we are doing Dhikr. There are also specific ways of doing Dhikr, as the Prophet(sws) taught us.
Importance/Benefits of Dhikr:
Here are some Ayahs and Hadith showing us the importance of and the benefits of doing Dhikr?
Allah(swt) says: “O ye who believe! Let not your wealth or your children divert you from the 'Dhikr' of Allah. If any act thus, the (severe) loss is their own!” [Surah Munafiqoon, Ayah 9]
“Those who believe, their hearts find satisfaction in the 'Dhikr' of Allah: for without doubt, (only) in the 'Dhikr' of Allah do hearts find satisfaction!” [Surah Raad, Ayah 28]
“If anyone withdraws himself from 'Dhikr' of (Allah) Most Gracious, We appoint for him a Shaytaan to be an intimate companion to him! [Surah Zukhruf, Ayah 36]
And the Prophet(sws) said: “The difference between the one who remembers his Lord and the one who does not, is like the difference between a living and dead body.” [Sahih al-Bukhari 6407]
Why every Morning & Evening?
Because Allah(swt) says in Surah Ahzaab, Ayahs 41-42: “O ye who believe! Celebrate the 'Dhikr' (Remembrance) of Allah and do this (as)much (as possible); And glorify Him Morning and Evening.”
What time is Morning & Evening?
According to Ibn Qayyim(ra)'s interpretation of the following words of Allah, he concludes that the:
- Morning Supplication is from Fajr till Sunrise and
- Evening Supplication is from Asr till Sunset
Ta-Ha, Ayah 130: “And glorify the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun, and before its setting.”
Surah Al-Araf, Ayah 205: “And remember your Lord within yourself with humbleness and fear and without being loud in speech – in the mornings and the evenings,” Why do we recite certain supplications a specific number of times?
See Arabic wording: The word Asaal is a plural of Aseel which means in Arabic the period between Asr and Maghrib. (If you forget to do the Dhikr at these times, you can recite it after Maghrib till the middle of the night or after Sunrise till before zawaal.)
What Dhikr should we recite Morning & Evening?
The Prophet(sws) has taught us. More than 14 different Duas/Dhikr have been included in this presentation for you to recite and ponder over. Each one is authentic and is backed by proof with a Hadith of Rasool(sws) SubhaanAllah!
Why recite it a certain number of times?
We do not know the reason why, but there is a hidden wisdom in following the Sunnah, as Allah(swt) says: “Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.” [Quran 33:21] “And if you obey him(sws), you will be [rightly] guided.” [Quran 24:54]
The Dhikr as taught by Rasul(sws) is enough for us and we should avoid innovating in matters of worship, as some people like to say, ‘Recite such and such so many times’, but they have no basis for it.
What do YOU want to gain from doing Dhikr?
My dear Brothers and Sisters, please sit back, relax and take some time out to read, learn and to ponder over the beautiful Duas and Dhikr in the rest of this presentation. May the following duas/dhikr become a regular part of your daily routine, and may you find solace by using them to communicate with and to Praise Allah. And most of all may they strengthen your connection with Allah(swt) our Most Merciful Creator, strengthen your Nafs and help you achieve the pleasure of Allah and a place in Jannah al-Firdaus, Aameen - afterall that is your ultimate goal, right?
To see the Dhikr/Duas, click on:
Morning and Evening Dhikr Part 1
Morning and Evening Dhikr Part 2
Morning and Evening Dhikr Part 3
Morning and Evening Dhikr Part 4
Morning and Evening Dhikr Part 5
Morning and Evening Dhikr Part 6
I found some zikr examples to share (reference link at bottom) that I recite as much as I can:
Of the innumerable formulae for Allah`s remembrance, many are found in hadith: `He who recites, `Subhan Allahae wa behamdehi` (`Allah is free from imperfection and for Him is all praise`) 100 times a day, will have a great reward` (Bukhari).
The Tasbih Fatimah was taught by the Prophet to his daughter: 33 times Subhan Allah (`God is free from imperfection`), 33 times Al-hamdo Lillah (`all praise be to Allah`) and 33 times Allaho Akbar (`God is the greatest`); according to another narration, the last mentioned is to be recited 34 times (Bukhari). This zikr, when recited after prayers, brings great spiritual benefits and, as taught by the Prophet, could also be a substitute for charity for those who cannot afford it.
The Prophet said, `The best way to celebrate the remembrance of Allah is to say, `La ilaha illallah“ (`There is no deity except Allah`Tirmizi). The Prophet asked Abu Musa to recite,`La hawla wa la quwwata illa billa` (`There is no change of condition, nor power, except by Allah`Muslim). The fourth Kalima, recited 100 times a day, will provide protection and have an immense reward (Bukhari). There is a tradition of reciting the Ayat-ul-Kursi (2:255) to invoke protection.
JazakhaAllah for providing this authentic information, maashaAllah Sis.
SisterZ Editor
Salam Sr. Z
Hope u r well. I wonder about the other zikrs I read about - where eg Allah's names are suggested to be recited various # of times depending upon the quality of Allah being invoked (I have heard that scholars came up with the numbers by various calculations for each of the blessed names) but these numbers are not supported by Quran/ahadith, so I am sceptical about reciting them. Any thoughts?
Dear Sis,
Whenever I attend a lecture, I am always told to stick to the Quran and Sunnah, this leaves no room for doubt or innovation. So all I will say is is that Rasool(sws) has already given us his example - which he has, why then do we need to 'innovate' other ways of ibaadah? He(sws) afterall was the best of mankind right? And Allah(swt) the One who knows best, says:
“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.” [Quran 33:21]
“And if you obey him(sws), you will be [rightly] guided.” [Quran 24:54]
So what do you think my dear Sister? :O)
SisterZ Editor
Well, dear Sr. Z, we both are saying the same thing essentially (I also only try to follow what the Quran/Hadith state) but everyone tells me that the other duas etc (like the "special word" of Surah Yaseen etc) have been used by very learned scholars, excellent momineen and religious people over the ages and they found certain ways of dua/zikrs very beneficial, so they are "allowed".
tbh there's enough sunnah adkar out there for you to be in constant rememberance of Allah at all times, plus Allah chose specifically the four words, Subhan Allah, Allahu akbar, Alhamdulilah and LailahailAllah to have immense weight, surely you would want to follow the blessed and glorious path and true knowledge of our beloved prophet peace and blessings be upon him, why is there any need of anything else :)) ?
There is an app called 99 names that gives the 99 names of Allah (swt) and 99 names of Prophet (saw) and the reason for saying them repeatedly. I find it a good app. There is no harm that can come from saying attributes for dhikr. So saying it is blessed as these 99 names are for remembrance of Allah and His prophet (saw).
Thank you SisterZ for putting together this very nice article ma-sha-Allah.
Wael Editor
If you really want to kick start your dhikir for an Iman surge Insha Allah then check out this table of adhkar which is all taken from sahih hadeeth.
Takes a bit to load but its amazing! Enjoy 🙂
make the most of it insha Allah 🙂
Thank you very much for this link, its a good one to print and keep on the wall! It looks great maashaAllah. Perhaps we could attach it as a link somewhere on this website? Hmm :O)
SisterZ Editor
Yeah! ^^ I printed a copy out and kept it with me for a while until I managed to memorise a good portion and it has helped me immensely, if you can you really should put a link somewhere for people to see insha Allah would be a great idea 🙂
I also recommend hisnul Muslim, a.k.a. Fortress of the Muslim, amazing book so handy and so cheap! I especially love and reommend using it to learn the adhkar for after salah, this is so necessary and it really softens the heart and builds a deep love for Allah. 🙂
The link is not working properly
right click and open in new tab, then waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait and probably leave it for a bit then when you go back to that tab it would have loaded insha Allah :p! takes long to load because its a large pdf file
Got it! Thanks. I knew all of this before however as I wanted to find more eloquent ways of making duas to Allah than my poor tongue would utter. Thanks
asalamualaikum brother/ sister
jazakallah for posting this link. may Allah swt give you the best in this world and the hereafter. aameen
wa aleykumusalam wa rahamatulahi wa baraakatuh ^^, wa iyyak! Ameen! that really touched my heart, I feel humbled 🙂 ameen, may Allah bless you and serve you an even greater reward 😀 for he is al-wahab and his bounties never cease ^^, the most supreme, ar-rahman ar-raheem 🙂
SubhaanAllah, the PDF contains a valuable list of dhikr.
While reading the chart, I am particularly interested in dhikr no 25, which says 'Du'aa for entering the marketplace'. Does anyone know the meaning of this 'marketplace' ?
It is a grocery, mall, business center or any shopping center (any place you can buy or sell something).
Are you sure about this ? So, you enter into a mall, shopping center, etc, you then recite that du'aa, and you get all those million rewards ? Honestly this doesn't make any sense to me.
Yes. I am sure my dear. In fact I knew it already, but I rechecked it again before replying to you.
Islam is very beautiful, and Allah is so Gracious and Merciful. Allah has made entering the Jannah (paradise) so easy for us. Therefore anyone who didn't get the chance to enter the Jannah should not blame anyone but himself/herself.
(Quran 17: 19-20)
I just found this link:
Maasha'Allah it has the whole Al-Kauthar course on 'Divine Protection/Morning Evening Dhikr' uploaded. So it may be clearer than the one on this website.
SisterZ Editor
Manthy thanks for your Kind information regarding Dhikir, and all praisefor Almighty Allah to see this kind of Imparative informations about the dhikir
The whole six parts articles are very very excellent. I have one question though related 'how' to perform these dua in the Morning or Evening :
1. should we perform wudhu (ablution) first and sit down facing the qibla ?
2. if I sit behind my desk in the office or I am on a train during the Evening time, can I do it ?
Tom it is best to have wudu', but dua' can be said at any time, whether facing the Qibla or not, or sitting, standing, or lying down.
Wael Editor
Hi Wael,
Ok thanks.
You said 'dua can be said at any time'. But those duas / dhikr mentioned in six articles should be performed during Morning and/or Evening only, not any time. Am I missing something ?
I meant dua' in general.
Wael Editor
I have a problem. I am student of MSc Course in Hydrology persuing for 18 months.
The problem is I attend lecture regularly,study every night regularly and yet I cannot recal and remember what I study and Learned the previuos day. Please brothers in Islam of what advice especially prayers do you have for me.
I have devoted much time to study and reading of the quran. Please i need more help especially supplications to bring me my memory back on track to study, undesrtand and pass all examinations.
Asalam Alaikum
Abdul Ganiu, it sounds like you need to develop study and memorization skills. Perhaps you can find a tutor who will help you develop the skills you need. May Allah help you and make you successful.
Wael Editor
As salamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraktahu
Abdul Ganiu
Pls recite this dua everyday before n after ur salah 100 times for better remembrance and for good memory that is... Rabbish rahli sadri wa yassirli amri wahlul ukhtatam milisani yafqahu khaoli.
Do recite this dua 3 times before and after it studying time.
There is one ore dua which u hav to recite everyday after every salah that is
Allahumma la sahla illama ja altahu salaha wa anta taj alul husna sahla iza shita.
This dua helps u make ur study easy by Allah grace n will..
All the very best n do well
Assalamualaikum Brother and Sister
I want to ask something.
Are these dhikr should recite after salah everyday?
Or just in the morning (after shubuh/dhuhur) and the evening (after ashr/maghrib/isha')
At Fair and Asr time.
assalamu alaikum, thank you so much for this. i am putting together a little book and i want t use ur layout for the dhikr. i love it and ive never seen it quite like this. i will give this website all the credit in shaa Allah
I can't get any of the links to open (except the submitted by commentor) ! I am really wanting this information to assist me in my discipline and understanding... For all of the Dikhr numbered links, I have used right click open in new tab and it just directs back to this page, as does just clicking the link (and the other links posted and praised all say "No longer available"). Please help if you can. JazakAllah
Amna, if you mean the links in the comments, those are links to other websites and we are not responsible for those. As far as the other parts of "Morning and Evening Dhikr", they all open fine for me.
Wael Editor
Yes, I meant the "Morning and Evening Dhikr" so I guess it's just my computer or something. Thanks anyway!
Does it have to be before sunrise. I normally read these on my way to work on the train/bus.
Salaams brothers and sisters,
I don't know if anybody else is facing this problem by pages 5 and 6 do not open for some reason
Wa alaikum assalaam,
Yes, I am having the same problem with pages 5 and 6, but the other pages are wonderful.
morning starts when its sunrise.
The time period between dawn and sunrise is twlight.
So the morning adkars can be read after sunrise.