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I am a muslim and live in Canada.My dream is to teach less fortunate children in the third world countries and improve their future and also to live in Japan because i love sushi.I have a peculiar admiration for the japanese culture,their hard working nature and healthy lifestyle. I love gaining islamic knowledge and always strive to be a better muslim in the eyes of God through ups and downs.I do not seek happiness of this world because i feel they may deprive me of the hereafter. I prefer hardship and struggle because i earn reward and the ultimate destination is the life after death.I am straight forward and i cant fake my feelings hence people either really like me or really dislike me. I have had a lot of struggles but i am grateful because my parents are alive, i have a roof over my head, food in my fridge and my God closer to me than my Jugular vein so Alhamdulillah ...