Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘business’

Dua to get contract

Can you please tell me dua so I can get contract to launch my business with respect and a dua so that I get no problems anymore.

How to Market My Idea to Teach Islamic Studies to Girls?

Well I started teaching at a Madrassa in Walthamstow, and instead of doing it voluntarily I’m getting paid for it which is OK, only like 10 a days so that’s cool. I had this idea to help me with my Arabic. I was thinking that I could start my own classes at home and teach basic Arabic, Seerah and Tajweed for like girls aged 13 and over.

Religious father has turned to porn and prostitutes

My father, who went to Hajj four years ago and prays regularly, lost his job. Since then he seems to have turned to porn and prostitutes. I don’t know how to talk to him.