Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘lack of intimacy’

My husband is very distant.

Although we get along quite well and i do feel that he loves me, there is an emptiness in our relationship since we are never intimate with each other. I believe that I lack the level of attractiveness which he desires as he has usually visited pornographic websites, websites of escort girls Etc in the past. I spoke to him about it and he appologised sincerely.

My Husband prefers to masturbate than to have intimacy with me

My husband and I have been married for 8 yrs, we have one daughter. After about 3 years of marriage our relationship started going downhill. We have been arguing over little things but mainly because he has not been performing with me sexually as he should. He only ever did it with me when I would initiate it and even then many times he would just tell me that he is tired. If finally he does decide to perform with me he would not be intimate with me, wont kiss me etc, just does his thing.