Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘neighbour’

I ended our relationship but he won’t leave me alone!

He asks my friends to tell me to contact him. He comes near my college and wait for me.

Is Hysterectomy Permissible In This Case?

We often exchange greetings and smiles but I could never bring myself to ask her about the details of her daughter’s condition. A lot of women have advised the lady to get her daughter’s hysterectomy done since there is no hope regarding her marriage. My 2 questions are:
1) is the removal of uterus permissible in Islam for such people?
2)Jannatul firdaus is for prophets, martyrs, scholars and the righteous, which category do people fit into it?

Can I stay longer with my parents, against my husband’s approval?

Is there a sin on my part for staying longer than 2-3 months for the sake of my sanity and for the well-being of my baby? I would have to stay until the baby is at least 3 months old before coming back for a visit.