Islamic marriage advice and family advice

How should I behave towards a gay classmate who wants to be friends?

I go to college and in college I have a classmate that is gay. He states that he wants to become a Muslim, but I know that what he does is haram, but yet I don’t know what to do because I also don’t want to cause controversy in school.

I also don’t know how to avoid him without coming off rude. I know I’m not supposed to hangout with him because he is a man and also because he is gay, but I really don’t know what my options are because he thinks that we are friends and I may have allowed it to happen in the beginning, but now I want to end it because I don’t want ALLAH to punish me.


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3 Responses »

  1. Salaams,

    Allah is not going to punish you for showing the same friendly courtesy to him as you would to any other of your classmates. There is a hadith that says:

    "Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad, is to withold him from badness, thus in heaven you will be treated kindly."

    You can simply let this man know that it's wonderful he want's to find out more about Islam, but that it really wouldn't be appropriate for you to be the one to educate him. You can refer him to a campus Islamic Association or local masjid/mosque if he's interested in finding out more. Tell him that Islamically, it's proper for men and women to generally keep to themselves, and this isn't meant as a rejection of him but it is a safeguard for you.

    You need not worry about "what happens to him" or his lifestyle if he wants to convert. That is between him and Allah only. You can't really speculate as to whether he will give up his lifestyle gradually, quickly, easily, or with difficulty; nor should you. Point him in the right direction with an explanation and sincerely wish him the best. Whenever he greets you or has small talk with you going forward, be as polite as you would with anyone else.

    -Amy Editor

    • Salam,
      I agree with Amy. He's still a human, a creaature of God no matter what. Guide him to the straight pat. Kindly tell him to stop being Gay.

  2. Salaam

    you should greet everyone with courteousy regardless of race religion,sexual orientation, as all these people are Allah's beings.

    I do not believe you will be punished for having shown him friendship.I agree with amy in that when you see him you need not avoid him,but greet him as he does you.

    With regard to conversion point himin the right direction and let the Imam or scholars advise him appropriately.You do not need to worry about how he will fare if he converts,that really is between him and Allah.

    Take Care.

    Allah Hafiz.,

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