Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Poem About Allah

Islamic pattern, Islamic design

Islamic Art.

Ya Allah the finder of lost souls

The one and only who loves and cherishes all

Who had a messenger 1400 years ago and many prophets before

He is the guider

He is the truth

Ya Allah amazing and kind

The creator of all

Earth, beyond and best of all man's mind

with 124,000 prophets that have been and all now not to be seen

though one from all the rest gave us the best

The real path, the real truth

Islam, the only way to be and become a better muslim

And know who and what will be and come

With all just a simple book from above

He may be with us now

he may even be on a stage taking a bow

Who knows he might have a pet mouse

That one prophet who lived and travelled through time what a pleasure to know his line

Though the most important that created all

Allah SWT

The best of all

And as we sit and think

How wonderful to be his creation

And from all the nations

I am the only one with my name, culture and soul right?

But really is that so important?

There will be a day that we stand before our lord as descendants from Adam and Eve nothing more or less

Ya Allah i thank you for giving me my name and noone else the same

Ya Allah i thank you for giving me my parents, teachers and special gene

For there is noone else with this complete deen

Ya Allah i thank you for creating man kind

And all that's able to find


i ask you one question...

Why did you make this a test

For this nobody but you could recieve the best

Ya Allah Why put us through this pain

When if it were you all you could do is gain

You are the only

You are the best

Why have us be lonely and al the rest

Ya Allah the creator of time


for creating me

for giving me pain

for loving me

for giving me shame

for listening when times were tough

and for giving me courage when times were rough

ya Allah the most merciful, most kind

When we sleep what is it you don't mind?


i have so much to say

though to end this prayer we all must think of everyday

That has come and gone

And never to be seen

We all must recite


- islamismydeen

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11 Responses »

  1. islamismydeen, we don't normally publish poetry, but I thought it might make a nice change. Jazak Allah khayr. I appreciate your heartfelt devotion as expressed in the poem. I enjoyed reading it.

    Just one question, explain this part to me please:

    He may be with us now
    he may even be on a stage taking a bow
    Who knows he might have a pet mouse

    Who are you referring to in these lines?

    Wael Editor

  2. Salam
    I think he is referring to prophet isa allayhi salam.

  3. Assalam'alaykum,

    Subhana'Allah beautiful poem.

    I think that person is reffering to Khidr AS because of this line

    That one prophet who lived and travelled through time what a pleasure to know his line

  4. As
    I would also like to know what you meant by : why did you make this a test? why put us through this pain, when all you could do is gain? Allah foeant gain ANYTHING from his creation rather we do because we need HIM.

  5. Poem has some technical issues.. otherwise it's fine, lol.

  6. Is it just me not having any poetic sense, or does this poem not rhyme at all? neither does it make any sense,

    Wael you chose the wrong poem for a "nice change"

    • Salaams,

      Not all poems must rhyme. Not every poem with rhyme must do so with each line or stanza.

      For every good writer, there is someone better. Even if a poem by Rumi were posted, perhaps someone could find one better written by an unknown author. I don't know what value lies in criticizing one's writing, unless it's to give helpful feedback that they can implement into their next creative purge.

      No doubt, even the most skilled writers have slow starts. Very rarely will you find someone whose very first works are phenomenal. If someone doesn't understand what is being said, it's better to ask for clarification than lambast the piece altogether.

      -Amy Editor

    • I did not choose the poem. The author submitted it, and I published it in turn. I'll be happy to publish your own poem if you have written one. 🙂

      But as Amy said, poetry does not necessarily have to rhyme.


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