Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’

Blood spots

My girlfriend is facing a problem of blood spots. Is it a serious problem?

Is it ok to have this sort of relation?

I have never touched her, I don’t think about her in sexual ways, I just love her. We can’t marry as we are too young.

Who to choose – the person I’m dating or my ex?

If you were in my place, in a steady relationship, but then your ex would come along with their sick past, but an amazing chemistry, who would you pursue?

I want a physical relationship with my boyfriend now.

I am interested in kissing with my boyfriend… I cannot wait long years.

If my parents won’t let us marry, are they responsible if we commit zina?

If my boyfriend and I somehow have sex or even just show off our bodies will our parents be responsible for this? If parents do not allow their children to marry, who will be responsible if they commit zina?

How do I prove myself to his parents?

We met on Facebook. I’m proud to say I’m now a Muslim thanks to him showing me Islam. I need help knowing how to impress his parents. What would you do if he was your son?

I’m not happy about her decision to only be friends.

I have been in love with a girl and wish to marry her. One day she admitted she loved me… now she does not know what happened to the love she had for me.

Will Allah help me marry my secret boyfriend?

Our parents caught us and did not agree for marriage. After trying his best he said to move on. Allah has given us the right to select the right person for marriage so how can I forget?

Can I still be physically intimate with my boyfriend, knowing we’ll get married in future?

We talked about cutting down on the physical relationship however it intimidates us that our feelings for each other may disappear if we do not have this. Would it be acceptable if we continue the way we are now, knowing that we WILL get married in 3 years?

15 and in love, are we soulmates?

Am a Boy 15 Years And Met A girl over Facebook About 9 Months Ago. I Think We Are Soul Mates As We Are Just Similar Like The Way to Think, talk, like, dislike. We Haven’t Got Intimate Except Hugged and kissed.