Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is he a mahram to his female cousin if he was breastfed once by his cousin’s mother, his aunt?

I was breastfed by my maternal uncle's wife once. I have a Cousin sister (the child of my maternal uncle and his wife), who is my age. Am I a Maharam to her?  Some people say that to qualify as a foster bother or sister a person should be breast fed 5 times. This is were the situation gets confusing as I was fed only once.

Kindly help me out in this as I really want to know if my cousin  can consider me as her mahram or not.  Since childhood we consider each other as blood-related brother and sister, as we knew I had been breastfed by her mother.  I really want to know if I qualify to be her Mahram.  And what would I be to her other Elder Brother and sisters.

Can I be considered their Foster Brother or Mahram?

~Adnan Syed

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1 Responses »

  1. Asalaamualaykum Adnan Syed,

    Please see the following link where the same question has been answered in detail:

    SisterZ Editor

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