Tag Archive for ‘immaturity’

I’m 23 and she’s 27, can she fulfill me sexually?
She is 4 years older then me i am 23 and she is 27. she too kind women whom i ever meet in my life but i am scared of that i am 23, and will she fulfill my requirements of sex and all?

Should I accept this proposal?
Shall I give him a chance and say yes on a condition or shall I drop it from now and save him some time and pain to find someone else because of how young he is and his acquaintances on social media?

A girl threatening suicide if I don’t marry her
Now am 20 and she is 19. For last 4 to 5 years, I have tried to convince her in many ways through love, through patience, and though harsh words. I tried to convince her, but she does not care; she says that when we will be together everything will be alright. She is impossible to understand by any means. I tried my best, but whenever I don’t talk to her she says she will commit suicide.

We’re newlyweds but six months later, we are physically fighting
I’m 18, and have been married for about 6 months. I knew him before we got married though and he was so charming with a beautiful love that I miss so much. But after we got married, things changed dramatically. We fought alot, so much about him annoyed me, and now he chokes me.