Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘jealousy’

I’m falsely accused of adultery and now my fiance wants nothing to do with me

I was engaged to a wonderful brother but a jealous former friend accused me of adultery and now my fiance wants nothing to do with me.

He is very religious now, but I cannot overlook his past relationship

i am inshAllah getting married next year to someone i met at university. Who is now very religious and treats me well. he has however told me of a relationship he had in the past. I cant seem to forget this as i would never consider any relationship unless i was married.

Very angry and jealous of my husband talking to his ex

I got married to my first and only love elhamdulilah (that’s what everyone would wish for, to get married to the one they love and adore). I’m very happy in my life even though our fanashal suite is not good, but elhamdulilah Allag can give wealth to anyone he wants and takes it from anyone who doesn’t want to give – I don’t have a problem with that.

I feel that he lies to me, I don’t trust him

My husband has a son by his ex-wife. When he calls her to check on his son I hate it, I feel like my life is ruined. I am so jealous. I wish the ex-wife did not exist.

My husband constantly asks me to divorce him

I am a muslim convert. I converted to Islam in 2006 and got married to a Muslim man in 2007. The thing is, my husband, he flirts etc in front of my face with other women, however if another man should even LOOK at me or talk to me, I am instantly to blame.


I am seeking advice concerning getting extremely jealous. My wife and I have been married for a little over a year now and through our marriage I get extremely jealous at times which causes me to argue with her and I say some terrible things that I don’t mean and feel very bad after this happens.

Shes’ a wonderful woman but what is my problem and why does my jealousy come and go?

My husband of almost six years has had an affair with an American woman

My husband of almost six years has had an affair with an American woman. He denies that he has done anything wrong. He prays and fasts, but for a time he stopped attending Majid. I assume it was because he was seeing this lady.

I am not sure what to do at this point. I ask for strength everyday to take the high road at all times no matter what unpleasant situations I face. I have been able to do just this so far. I feel no jealousy only compassion and strength but worry my resolve will not last long. I truly want the best for my husband. If he cannot love me I would prefer he compassionately divorce me.

Bad thoughts about my wife

i have bad thoughts about my wife (suspicious, jealous) and it leads to arguments when we speak about things like cheating, or talking 2 friends. please help and give sum references from the quran.

these bad thoughts in my mind are not good for me and my dear wife. it can lead to divorce!

– Mohammed