Islamic marriage advice and family advice

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I am a Muslim, can I marry a Christian?

I am a Muslim and I love a Christian girl and she wants to be muslim but she doesn’t know what to do. She is in process of reading Quran. I told my family about her and my mom and dad are not allowing me marry her.

Shall I stay with my husband or listen to my family and leave him?

If I leave him, I gain my family back but if I choose him then I lose my family again. He said to me we will make it work, but I’m not sure. I don’t know what I want? or don’t know what to do?

Who should I marry???

I was in a relationship for 3 years and love him to death, we have been through a lot together. We wanted to get married and I decided to tell my parents about him…

I love a Christian woman, everybody tells me to forget her.

I want to marry her, I tried to convince her many times told her Islam is the right way but presently she isn’t ready to revert back to Islam, it’s may be because I never guided her rightly as I myself was sinner and her parents are working in some Christian missionary…

We’re in love, but her family won’t accept me because I’m not Indian?

My love and I met online, and we have been communicating for quite a while now. Her father and mother both refuse to even speak with me, verbally, or by email, or any other means. They told her it’s out of the question, and they are bringing a guy from the USA to her in August to meet up with and I’m so afraid they’ll force her to marry him.