Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘teenager’

I can´t see the point of being alive anymore.

My mum also constantly puts me down and makes me feel like a piece of crap and it led me to stop eating properly. I was a UK size 8 before and now I don’t even fit properly into a size 6. Being thin is the only thing that gives me satisfaction now.

I want to be a straight muslim man, please help me.

When I was a little boy of just 2 years I lived in a large compound with a lot of neighbours and friends sometimes we even regarded each other as siblings.I was raped …

Unrequited love making me think twice about my advice

Assalamualeikum, I’m a teenager heading off to university this month and for the past 3 years Ive known a girl who has been involved with another boy. I have feelings for her but she can’t return those feelings because she has already committed to her boyfriend. She has told me several times that if he wasn’t there or if he didn’t come into her life before me she would have been with me and not him.

I am 14 years old I want to get rid of my sins

please i want to be a good muslim i am aged 14 and i have done lots of bad sins which i did not enjoy. i want to get rid of these sins and to become clear of all sins and become a good muslim and help my parents and familes and muslim brothers and sisters i also want to go to heaven please help me i am really worried.