Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘waiting for him’

In love with an older man

I am 16 but there is this guy I have met who is 25 years old… Shall I wait for him?

I want to marry him, but he is avoiding me.

I don’t know what to do – to wait for him or to let him go?

I haven’t heard from my muslim husband in days

Earlier this week he dropped me off at my mom’s house. The ride there he told me to trust him and I’d understand later.

Afraid of istikhara

If it goes negative will I not be able to marry him?

Leaving for the sake of Allah

The thing is I’m worried he won’t come back to me… The wait is long, and I miss him a lot…

We’re from different sects

His is an orthodox family… They have met me now and still oppose a marriage. How long should I wait for him?