Islamic Answers 2013 
I saw Prophets Moosa, Muhammad and Esaah (peace be upon them all) in my dream(35)
May 30, 2014
I saw Prophet Moosa, Prophet Muhammad, and Prophet Esaah (peace be upon them all) together in my dream. They were looking at me and smiling. It seemed like they wanted to tell me something, but then my dream ended. I am not a religious person, neither do I offer namaz regularly, and I do sins like watching porn. Is this my delusion, or a reality?
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Love, Marriage and Reverting to Islam
I feel like Islam is in my blood… I’m on a journey to return home. I’m in love with a young man and I want him to return to his path as a Muslim.

Want to marry a revert but family won’t accept..
My family won’t accept it due to culture and what other people would think! What do I do?

Dream Interpretation – Help Needed.
Last week both me and my mom received dreams, both dreams pointing to a marriage.