Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Family problems rss

I was molested as a child and now my fiance cheats on me(1)

March 18, 2024

Due to sexual molestation that I experienced as a child, I got wrapped up in haram relationships as an adult, and the opposite gender, including my fiance took advantage of me.

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My wife neglects and verbally abuses me

My wife seems to not have the same feelings of love for me that I have for her. She doesn’t support me even though I do my best to provide for her and take care of our daughter.

His mother won’t approve of me because I’m not Pakistani

Is there any chance at all that she will come around and meet with me?

I am raising money for my asylee friend’s family!

Hello, I am Himari, and I have a family friend whose name we call “Minnesota family.” They came to the USA as asylees, and their case is still pending. When they first arrived in 2019, the wait times were 180 days at max, but COVID happened and there were so many people filing for asylum […]

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