Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Transgender rss

Learning about Islam as a transgender male(7)

June 2, 2022

I am a transgender man who is interested in Islam, but I don’t know how the sharia law would view my case. I am currently considering talking to an Imam.

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Can my same-sex love interest be my soulmate in Jannah?

We have a connection that is indescribable, powerful, magical, breath-taking…If we love a person of the same sex but are unable to have a relationship with them in dunya for obvious reasons, will we get our chance to be with them in the hereafter?

Homosexual urges and the role of Marriage

I desire very much to get married and have children (if Allah wills) however I fear that I will be miserable.


I have committed zina and even worse I found out that she was a transgender.

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