Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Nikah process and ceremony?

Muslim wedding ceremony

Peace be upon you.

I am here to get some help.

How do you perform the Islamic nikah ceremony with bride, groom, wali and witnesses?

I am going to give you an example and tell if its right.

Two male or one male and two female witnesses will be present at all time during the ceremony. Mahr will be fixed and could be mentioned when ask bride and groom.

Wali ask the bride: Do you accept him (groom) as your husband and life partner if you agree say I accept him (groom) as my husband and life partner. After she agreed and said it.

Wali ask the groom: Do you accept her (bride) as your wife and life partner if you agree say I accept her (bride) as my wife and life partner. After he agreed and said it.

The marriage is done.

A dua for husband and wife happiness and etc.

Is my example right if I do it like that will that marriage be valid in islamic law?

If there is any mistake please correct it.

Also after you get married if the wife denies that she's married to you and when you ask the wali and withnesses they deny as well then will that marriage be still valid in islamic law? What can you say about that?


- maztheboss

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6 Responses »

  1. Salaams,

    What you are essentially asking is whether a nikkah is valid if everyone is present but the imam. I personally am not sure about this, but will try to do some research for an answer, unless someone else is able to enlighten us all on that aspect.

    As far as the issue of everyone present (except the groom) denying the marriage took place, I think if I were in that predicament I would have to question myself as to whether a nikkah actually took place or perhaps something I imagined or interpreted as a nikkah, but was actually something else altogether. In any case, there should have been a marriage contract as well, no? Usually this is signed by all present and outlines the terms agreed to by the husband and wife. Surely if this were to be presented it would quell any disputes about what actually happened.

    I apologize I don't have a more distinct answer for you, but truthfully this is a question better put to a scholar or imam.

    -Amy Editor

  2. I am sorry I agree that this is a matter which is best for a scholar. It is difficult to advise on this without studying fiqh extensive, especially "Also after you get married if the wife denies that she's married to you and when you ask the wali and withnesses they deny as well then will that marriage be still valid in islamic law? What can you say about that?" and because of that I am reluctant to advise.

    I recommend that you do speak to a trusted scholar to gain good answers to these questions. It may be that a reader or editor can shed more light on the nikah ceremony though. If so please come forward InshaAllah

    Sara Editor

  3. As-salamu alaykum,

    You are essentially correct.

    We do not have a priest class in Islam; therefore the presence of an official Imam, Mufti, Sheikh or Mullah is not required for any Islamic function.

    To be lawful, a wedding in Islam has five requirements:

    1. The bride must be represented by a wali.

    2. Bride and groom must each give consent.

    3. The groom must pay a mahr to the bride, the amount of which is agreed upon; or the mahr can be paid later if the bride agrees.

    4. There must be witnesses - two males, or a male and two females, of adult age and good character.

    5. The marriage must be publicized and made known, normally through a waleemah or wedding reception.

    Optional but highly recommended:

    It is Sunnah to have a marriage khutbah before the wedding. This would be a short speech about the principles of marriage in Islam, accompanied by verses of the Quran.

    It's also a good idea to put the marriage contract in writing, and have it signed by the groom, the bride and her wali, and the witnesses. The contract will specify the amount of the mahr, the consent of both parties, and any other conditions the parties wish to include. This will prevent any misunderstandings in the future.

    You can read more here:

    And you can find several articles on the subject here:

    Wael Editor

  4. I am born hindu female in love with a muslim guy. Today we have bought our own house furnished it but haven't move in. Reason being I would like to get registered while he wants me to perform a nikaah. I don't want to convert to islam so what I do in a case such as this. We are together for the past 11years now I facing issues. Another question is why must a non muslim guy convert for a muslim female. In real fact I don't want to convert to islam.

    • shaz, a Muslim cannot marry a Hindu. It is forbidden in Islam to marry a polytheist. So there is no way your boyfriend can marry you. Since you are unwilling to convert to Islam, I don't see a future for the two of you.

      Wael Editor

  5. i want to have a nikha

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