Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Can two men or two women sleep in the same bed?

Hamburger bed, man sleeping in bed

Assalamu 3alaikum,

Can two men or two women sleep in the same bed? Is there any hadith prohibiting this action?

Thank you,

- Alhamari


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6 Responses »

  1. Wa alaykum as-salam,

    There's nothing with two men sharing the same bed, or two women sharing a bed. This is common in countries where people are poor and sometimes family members must share beds. However there are conditions:

    1. The Messenger of Allah (sws) said that two men should not share the same blanket, nor should two women share the same blanket. So they should each have their own blanket.

    2. It is not allowed for men and women to expose their 'awrah to anyone except a husband or wife. So they should take care to keep their awrah covered and not sleep naked or in a state of exposure.

    3. Of course sexual activity between men is not allowed in Islam, nor between two women.

    Wael Editor

  2. Oh my, what a funny picture, hahahe. I needed something to make me laugh since my stone heart has been squashed under the sole of my left shoe all evening.

    Wael, thanks for point number 1 about the blanket. I'll remember that next time the tribe have a sleep over.

    SisterZ Editor

  3. as you said two women cannot share the same balnket but i share my blanket with my sister is it wrong?

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