Tag Archive for ‘Allah’s Will’

Was it All the Will of Allah?
Are we really piloting our own lives? Can my soul be saved and my faith rekindled despite all that has transpired?

So confused… was this Allah’s will?
Some days I get really depressed and ask myself why did this happen?

Fate and sin
If our fate is written on shab-e-miraj then everything that we do is written by Allah…?

Question about love and istikhara
He said he asked Allah if marrying me will be good for his life and hereafter. But since he had a bad dream we cannot continue our relationship.

Am I being trapped by my ego?
I know this is the test Allah has promised the people who say “We believe” so please tell me what am I doing wrong? Am I not trusting Him enough?

How can I get over the person I love?
I am a student and liked my senior for two years now. He is 7 years elder than me. We have been friends since two years and have initially talked on chatting and messages. Initially I did not like him but with the passage of time I developed attachment for him. I always prayed whatever is happening in this relationship is ALLAH’s will.