Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘depression’

I don’t know why, but I am feeling depressed and need support.

I get easily upset with friends over little matters although I am at the end only upset with myself for behaving this way. What can I do to stop this?

Bound at home with my abusive mother

She has verbally, mentally and physically abused me all my life. I can’t get any help since the country I live in won’t help me in these situations like you guys in the West get.

If Allah has already written a bad fate for me, why should I even pray?

I am so angry at Allah for giving me limitations that prevent happiness. If Allah has already written my fate, why would I even bother praying for it?

I chose my girl over Allah and am having a crisis of faith

Allah is most merciful, I thought he’ll let it work out and, I wouldn’t have to lose my Lord nor my love. But in the end, I lost both.

Having dark thoughts since forced engagement

It started when my mother agreed to a proposal on my behalf without my consent. I wasn’t raised to expect such things: to expect that my wishes could be overlooked.

Life is unfair and unbearable

I don’t know from where to start..but i’m miserable.. so done with life as it has always been like so unfair towards me but i’m scared of death..but this just so unbearable.

My husband is not standing up for me against his parents

I don’t feel like talking to my husband because despite my In-laws’ controlling behavior, he has not taken my side or gotten us a place of our own.

Does Allah love me? Am I special to Him?

does allah love me or am i special to him? im trying my best to live. sometimes i take the knife to kill my self but then i be scared of feeling pain.

Thank you, Br. Wael and contributors of

If you’re having a hard time right now, this is not where you will always be. Have the courage to do your part and believe that things will get better.

I’m fearful of my husband having Hoor-Al-Ayn in Paradise

I do not want my husband to have Hoor al Ayn in heaven under any circumstances. Why can’t I just marry a Non-Muslim man? I mean, the Muslim husband will go away from me to his Hoors!