Thank you, Br. Wael and contributors of
Jazakum Allahu khayran.
I don't know how I ever found, aka (this website) but I remember that when I was 16 years old, I used to type in that web address just from muscle memory alone because I used to browse the posts here so often.
Soon enough, I was the one submitting a post to seek advice on a matter. I still remember some of the advice I got too... I remember some sisters and brothers were so kind and encouraging and it made a massive impact on my self-esteem at the time.
From the ages of 16 to 18 (around 2012), I struggled with depression and anxiety. Alhamdulillah I never had to go on meds or anything, but I do remember it as just a very bad and sad time... And truly the only things that got me through it were the reminders and beautiful poems and stories that Br. Wael shares on Islamic Sunrays and the pages about Suicide in Islam here on Zawaj. I used to read these reminders every day and every night in bed - sometimes crying out of both despair (at my situation) and comfort (from the reassuring words).
So I can very literally say that your efforts saved my life, Br. Wael, so that I can be where I am today alhamdulillah; and I am sure that they have saved others too. I hope that you are rewarded immensely insha'Allah. I haven't come across your daughter's name recently, but remember it from years ago - I hope Salma is doing well and continues to flourish in her imaan and health and everything else insha'Allah 🙂
I am 24 now. So about eight years after I first discovered this website. Alhamdulillah times a billion, I am in a very happy and good place. I am married to a wonderful and respectable man, I am continuously working on improving my imaan (may Allah SWT accept my efforts and all of ours), we are starting our family insha'Allah (please remember me in your duas), and I am pursuing a career that will allow me to help those that are less fortunate insha'Allah.
I am outlining these not to boast - but to remind anyone reading that if you're having a hard time right now, where you are at right now is not where you will always be. Tawakkul is so incredibly important - have the courage to do your part and believe that things will get better. And conversely, if you have any blessings at all right now, be grateful to the One who gave them to you. I truly hope that everyone here finds peace and success in this dunya, and above all, forever in the akhirah, ameen!
Thank you once again, Br. Wael and everyone who contributes to this website. I hope everyone is staying well.
- SH
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As-salamu alayukum dear sister SH. Your message made my day and lifted my spirits. I am so happy to hear that things have worked out for you, alhamdulillah. I hope your story will inspire others who are struggling, and let them know that brighter days await, and that change for the better is possible.
I cannot take the credit alone at all. As you pointed out, there have been so many people who contributed to this website. Our fantastic editors, and many visitors who have given from their hearts to help others. And of course Allah the Most High, who gave us the hearts, minds and spirits, and the tools to do good work.
I am happy for you. Alhamdulillah for all good things.
Thanks for mentioning my daughter Salma. She is 13 years old now, actually 14 in three months. Hard to believe. I remember when she was a tiny thing I could carry on my shoulder. She attends an Islamic school here in California and is an honor roll student. She likes to read, draw and play Animal Crossing. She's a good kid. This coronavirus lockdown has been hard on her, as she cannot see her friends, and must attend school on the computer every day. She's been struggling with some depression as a result. So please mention her in your duaa.
Here are the two of us at a local ice cream place, wondering how we will possibly consume this monstrous sundae (between the two of us, we almost managed it).

Wael Editor