Tag Archive for ‘Problems with family’

Life has become extremely painful…
I’ve been abused a lot in my childhood and it now affects me mentally.

Should I wear the Hijab?
I obviously cover my hair when I pray but I have such a strong desire to wear a hijab when I leave my house, what should I do?

Black magic took me from my family and into an abusive relationship
I am scared of what I do, what happens to me and what if anything else happens to me…To know I had this done to me hurts me. Every time I think about it, it kills me and I feel like they ruined my life!!

My father can’t get a job because of black magic
But may I get something to read from which black magic will be finished and the Asrat too? I also want to know what Allah says about black magic and what happened to those who did it and ask for black magic to be done in the history of Islam.

Someone has to wreck my life up. WHY?
All my family are calling him up and telling him that your wife was like this, she’s wrong; bad things about me. I am very worried that he might divorce me; which I don’t want. It’s too shameful for me; plus I do love him but I don’t know what he feels about me. HELP!