Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘sin’

I ask for forgiveness every time I do it – please help?

I started watching “lesbian porn” – I find it disgusting and want to forget it completely.

Haraam or halal to have a boyfriend?

I’m in a relationship with this guy who happens to be my best friend’s ex. I’ve been with him for more than a month. But now I suddenly feel guilty due to the fact that he’s my best friend’s ex, and because I feel like I’m breaking my parents’ trust.

How can I seek forgiveness for my sins?

My boyfriend wanted to start a family and I accepted. So I became pregnant. Every night I cried because my family was not with me, even though my boyfriend was very kind to me. My father and mother didn’t give up on me, they tried to convince me what’s best for me. They told me to end the relationship, have an abortion and come back home. I did not listen.

Proofs against pornography in Islam

Just curious about this. Are there any books, facts or proofs that pornography should not be done in Islam? Why??? -davidthen

Fiance had webcam sex with other woman?

If my fiancé have sex with other woman instead of me through web cam is it a sin for him without my permission?

Lack of self control is affecting my entire life

By the grace of Allah I’m Muslim, and I pray 5 times, but I don’t know what happened to me. For the last 3 years, I haven’t been able control myself in doing bad deeds. My memory is totally lost and I can’t remember things, names, formulas etc etc.

His parents won’t let him marry me

Both his parents are rejecting it due to the fact that I am not Pakistani. His mother’s reasons are that she doesn’t believe I will understand their culture and she feels as though she won’t be able to connect and communicate with me. I know what will be expected of me as a daughter in law, and I am willing to do it all.

Porn Movies and Zina

I planned many times that this was the last time I would do it, but I fail. I don’t want to go to hell. Please help me and suggest to me what I can do for it. How can I control myself at that time while using the internet? I am writing this message because in these days, I feel that my forgiveness is not possible because I am facing these types of problems again and again.

Unbelievers marriages – Are they always sin?

Are unbelievers’ marriages with other unbelievers not valid? (meaning all they can do between them is sins?)

my life to hard to live any more. tell me what to do?

I trusted someone without knowing that what wrong it could bring me. I was so blind and I did worse, worse with myself.