Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘sin’

My sister is being rude to almost everyone!

My sister is very sinful.We tried Taveez, Duas, Jinn Test… We even tried being nice to her. Please help.

Out of my control

I have seemed to reach a point of hopelessness. For the first time in my life, I have stopped praying INTENTIONALLY. With no good reason apart from the fact that I am ashamed to pray to allah.

Too ashamed to ask for forgiveness

I don’t deserve to be forgiven. I want to be forgiven but I’m afraid I’ll do it again.

Will this suffering ever end?

Beauty is a very special gift and blessing from Allah but not everyone is being blessed for such a beautiful gift from Allah and I am one of those unlucky people.

What should I do for Allah to forgive me?

I’ve promised myself and Allah never to repeat this horrible sin again. I want Allah to forgive me. Is it possible?

My life is falling apart and I don’t know what to do

i really want to follow the true path of islam. Please help me as i’m having suicidal thoughts.

Cheated on for eight years…

I don’t know what to believe or think anymore. My faith in humanity has been shaken. I am so depressed sometimes that suicide seems the only option but of course that’s haraam. I feel like washing myself over with acid.

New Muslim and Pregnant

I embraced Islam a little while ago. My boyfriend will inshaAllah embrace Islam but throughout the way we got pregnant. How will this sin affect our baby?

How can I come to terms with what has happened?

How can I overcome the guilt and shame I suffer from because of my actions? Is there hope for Muslim girl with a “past” when it comes to marriage?

Can I repent for this? Can I marry another person in the future?

I realized that we committed sins and asked him to marry me as soon as possible. He refused & told me “I was testing you that how much pure you are”. Now he says it was one sided love. and that his parents set a girl for him to marry.