Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘smoking’

Can I fast for my boyfriend’s health? Will it be accepted?

I am worried about my boyfriend as I feel I am the reason for his bad health. Can I fast for his health? It is permissible?

My husband smokes weed everyday!

I am 30 years old, have been married for nearly 2 years and we have a little boy. I love my husband with all my heart and when I agreed to marry him I thought I was marrying a pious, God-fearing man. But a few months into our marriage I found out my husband smokes weed…

My Husband Parties Like a Single Man

I am a Pakistani British born Muslim women. I am married to a Turkish Muslim man; we have one child aged 21 months. I have a few dilemmas with my marriage at the moment.

I swore on Quran not to smoke again

My mom forced me to swear on Quran that I wouldnt smoke again and if i did i will suffer from a fatal disease. I cannot keep up with the promise.

My husband is a good man, but has no interest in Deen

At the time I got married to him he said he doesn’t drink and he was smoking but he gave up. After I moved to Australia he started again. He doesn’t drink all the time but occasionally at office parties and entertaining their non Muslim cousins at home.
It’s written in out marriage certificate that he is giving Sri Lankan Rupees 50000 as mahar but he never gave. How important is that?

What are my Islamic rights over my husband, he drinks, smokes marajuana & has an STD

My husband has moved out, he drinks, smokes marajuana and has an STD which he transmitted to me. I need to know my Islamic rights over him.

My 21 year old brother is tearing apart my family

Salaam alaikum brothers and sisters, I’m a 19 year old muslim sister living in the US. For two or three years now, my older brother has been rebelling, increasingly so, and drifting from Islam and its teachings. I understand that we are surrounded by media and culture that promotes such things to happen, but I […]

I want him to change

I am a 23 year old girl and needed advice on marriage. I have known a boy for about 3 years and we wanted to get married. (we didn’t meet and do haraam things, but only spoke on the phone, to get to know each other). But he smokes, drinks and goes out clubbing and I don’t. I do love him and want to be with him, however I want him to change.

My husband does un-Islamic things, while I fear Allah

i need help and advice regarding my partner. we married in jan 2003. since then i have a 5 yr old and 5 mth old. i want to raise my children islamically. im finding that my other half is doing un-islamic things like not agreeing to send my son to learn quran, always putting tv on, putting music on in the home, not praying.

all this astaghfirullah i didnt notice until i got pregnant with my daughter. i started to practice my deen more, but he started to come home late, he got married to another woman without telling me.