Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Grief rss

My Narcissistic boyfriend won’t let me go…I feel trapped(0)

April 16, 2024

Should I say “I wear hijab now so can you take those pictures down?” He said he has them for his memory only, so why post? Should I just not say anything and maybe block him for a few weeks?

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Will I die soon?

I have lost the motivation to live, as I know I will eventually die.

I am beating myself up, but equally angry at her for the mixed signals!

The love of my life denies that she ever loved me. It would one thing if she’s telling the truth, but this was not the case!

Bound at home with my abusive mother

She has verbally, mentally and physically abused me all my life. I can’t get any help since the country I live in won’t help me in these situations like you guys in the West get.

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