What does it mean to dream about a black figurine?(0)
April 16, 2024
Is there any significance to seeing a black figurine in a dream?
Full Story»Bound at home with my abusive mother
She has verbally, mentally and physically abused me all my life. I can’t get any help since the country I live in won’t help me in these situations like you guys in the West get.
I cannot decide how best to pursue my writing career
Freelancing is stressful because the availability of jobs is not consistent, but I cannot commit to switching jobs. I prayed Salat-al-Istikhara already.
I daydream about being a Tik-Tok celebrity but my mom won’t have it.
I prayed for my mother and father to die so that I can become a tik-toker because they wouldn’t allow me while they are alive.