I received a marriage proposal in my dream
Asalamu Alaikum
I am a 17-yr-old female. I had a dream this morning that my mom's aunt was looking for a girl for her son to marry and she was talking to me and my mom about it.
The aunt then said “I definitely want my daughter-in-law to be [my mom’s] daughter!"
I have an older sister too so I thought at first that she was talking about her. But then she said "I want it to be [me]" because she prays all five prayers.” These were her exact words.
What does this dream mean? Can someone please guide me?
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Asalamualaykum Sister,
It sounds like you have had marriage on the mind, perhaps? And also that you you have good self-esteem and think quite highly of yourself and your commitment to deen, a good mindset from which to attract qualified men.
Perhaps you should talk with your mom to start looking for suitors for yourself (not necessarily your cousin).