Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Islamic Answers 2021 rss

My wife is disobedient to me and has anger issues(19)

December 19, 2021

My long distance marriage with my wife wasn’t working and coronavirus affected my job, so I moved back in with my difficult wife who is disobedient to me and confides in her sisters for everything, rather than me.

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I chose my girl over Allah and am having a crisis of faith

Allah is most merciful, I thought he’ll let it work out and, I wouldn’t have to lose my Lord nor my love. But in the end, I lost both.

Should a son always be near his elderly parents, or are there exceptions?

She wants them to move near her mother, while he wants to stay close to his parents. Which is more Islamically correct?

I am 11 years old and have a crush! Should I tell her?

Is it haram to have a crush on someone?

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