Islamic marriage advice and family advice

The congregation discontinues the Taraweeh after 12th night; what should I do?

Shaikh Maher leading the Taraweeh

Shaikh Maher al Ma'aeqali leading the Taraweeh prayers at Haram


Due to my job, I performed Tarawee at a school that reads 2.5 paras per nite.

The quraan will be completed on the 12th nite. After the completion of the Quraan, the school does not continue. What is the right action for me then?

~ aykay786

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2 Responses »

  1. Salamu'alaikum,

    Brother, I had a similar situation some years ago. I attended the Taraweeh in the last part of the night. But we carried out the prayers for the entire month, Alhamdulillah.

    Brother, I do not think you can convince the congregation or the Shaikh to continue the prayers for the entire month. If you can, thats good, but other wise, you should know that it is not compulsory to pray Taraweeh in Jamaa'ah (congregation) (Infact, Taraweeh in itself is not compulsory), plus, it is not compulsory to complete the Quran in them.

    There are many Masjids in Saudi Arabia, which do not complete the Quran during the Taraweeh.

    If they do not continue, you can always pray the taraweeh yourself. If you do not have the Quran in heart, I mean if you have not done Hifz, then you can carry a copy of the Quran and read from it during the Taraweeh.

    I knew a brother from Maldives, who did not pray Taraweeh in any Masjid, though he could. because he wanted to lead his wife at home. So, insha Allah, you can pray on your own. And to give it an added advantage, before you begin the Taraweeh, understand what you are going to read from the Quran, so that you can have a better Khushoo' in the Salah, asking Allah for Jannah whenever Jannah is mentioned, seeking refuge from the Jahannam, whenever Jahannam is mentioned, as was the practice of Rasoolullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam during the Qiyaam al Layl.

    May Allah Help you spend the Ramadan in the best way possible

    Muhammad Waseem Editor

    • I'd like to mention the following Hadith about Taraweeh:

      The Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever stood up praying (at night) in Ramadan out of faith and hope in reward he will be forgiven of all his sins.” (Agreed upon)

      Muhammad Waseem Editor

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