Islamic marriage advice and family advice

What gift should I bring to my Muslim friend?

"Vase of Flowers", a painting by Maria Noonan

"Vase of Flowers", a painting by Maria Noonan


I am going to visit a Muslim friend soon who I havent seen for years. I would like to bring with me some gifts. Maybe sweets or some kind of food? What would be the best thing to bring with me?

- Melissa

Wael's Answer:

Dear Melissa,

Your friend's religion is irrelevant, for the most part. Don't bring her a holiday ham or a bottle of wine, ha ha, but aside from that you can bring her anything that she would enjoy, whether sweets, or flowers in a nice vase, or. if she a child then a nice outfit for the child, etc.

I published an article suggesting gifts for a Muslim woman some time ago. It was actually intended for. husbands trying to find gifts for their wives, but you might find it useful. Here it is:

30 Gift Ideas for a Muslim Woman

Have a good time with your friend, Insha'Allah.

If any readers have some additional advice for this questioner, I invite you to post your comments below.

(O Allah), Guide us to the straight path; The path of those whom you have favored; Not those with whom you are angry; Nor those who go astray.

Best regards,

- Wael Abdelgawad Marriage Advice Muslim Matrimonial Service

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1 Responses »

  1. I think Flower will be the best . Becuase Flower are sweet innocent and they have thier own language which is apprecited by all the religions and people

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