Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is Jay a muslim name?

Book of Muslim names

Book of Muslim names



Is Jay a muslim name?

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4 Responses »

  1. Walaykumsalaam Ifraz,

    According to my friend 'Google', Jay has a number of meanings:

    - Jay is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Jay is "blue crested bird".
    - Also possibly from the Latin name Gaius meaning "happy".
    - Jay and Jai are also Sanskrit names meaning "victory".
    - Mythology: Jay is the name of various deities in Hindu classical writings.

    The first three meanings of 'Jay' do not contradict with any Islamic beliefs, but the fourth one does, as it states that 'Jay' is the name of various 'Hindu Deities'. Due to this, I do not think it is a good name for a Muslim to keep.

    SisterZ Editor

  2. Assalamu alaykum,

    If you want to name yourself or someone: Name with Muslim names with good meanings.

    Stay away from imitating the disbelievers.

    Sister Z searched for you, you could have done the same for yourself.


    • Munibb,

      We are happy to help people with their queries here at, be they simple or complicated, Alhumdulillah.

      If someone has reverted to Islam, he may already be named 'Jay'. If the meaning or what is associated with the name did not conflict with Islam, there would be nothing wrong with keeping it.

      SisterZ Editor

  3. I call my son AJay is that ok

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