Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Can I lie in the name of love?

Is Lieing for LOVE good or bad????? Please Let me know about is soon. Cuz i have this doubt long time ago I didn't get anybody to clear my doubt hope u will try to clear it soon........................:)


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2 Responses »

  1. Salaam,

    I dont really understand your question to be honest, it's quite vague. Please comment and provide more details. Lying is never good in any case. It is haraam except in the 3 cases shown in the hadith below:

    ‘Lying is not permitted except in three cases: a man’s speaking to his wife to make her happy; lying at times of war; and lying in order to reconcile between people.’” (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 1862; he said: it is a hasan hadeeth. See also Saheeh Muslim, 4717).

    Telling lies is not permissible in anyway. Instances above permitting telling lies just some not clearly expressed instances to use inexplicit expressions without telling lies but inexplicit expression leaves the matter to the listeners’ understanding. These hadiths don’t mean telling explicit lies. ” (Kutub-u Sitta)
    So in these instances, a Muslim must explain something away, must use willful misinterpretation.

    For example; if a wife’s husband smells bad after coming home from work that disgusted her and her husband noticed her situation and became upset; therefore, in order not to break his heart she says: “I think I have indigestion because of the meal I ate in the afternoon.” Here, she hides the real cause to please her husband and uses a willful misinterpretation; she means an afternoon but which afternoon is not clear.
    Or in a war, an army say to their enemies“your leader is dead.”-although he is alive- to demoralize them and win the war. But they mean not the current leader but the former leader who passed away in the past. They don’t give names; they don’t make it clear in order not to lie. In these kinds of instances willful misinterpretation is permissible but not lies.
    It doesn’t matter if the lie is big or small, white or black

    . The provision is the same for all. Imagine that a husband cheats on her wife which is absolutely haram in Islam and keeps telling lies about his whereabouts? Do you think this would be truthful or right?

    a person who tells lies both violates the personal boundaries and trudges the right of the individual he lied.
    Deceiving other, telling lies is the sign of disdain and belittle. That’s why the one who lied to another must ask for forgiveness from whom he lied to.
    So; clearly
    it is not permissible to tell lies in order to conceal some sins or in order to fix or not destroy your relations with your family and wife.

    A Muslim must not lie even to his wife to please her; instead, he must say something away which is true and not lie. This will please her for the moment and will make relations better.

    The short answer is no - you can't lie in the name of love, but if you provided more details it would be easier to answer your question specifically.

    Being truthful in Islam:

    Sara Editor

  2. Dear Fatima.

    I don't know what you mean but lying to yourself that you may love someone is not a good thing. Its best to always be honest with yourself and never compromise love will grow especially when you feel nothing for that person. In my honest opinion never lie about anything because lying wont make you happy except the devil inside you being happy that's why doing good deeds by being honest allah will always protect you and show a clearer path. So remember even for love or not never ever lie because they will come back at you.

    I hope this helps

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