Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘caste’

Her parents are refusing marriage but I don’t know why – maybe because of caste?

I don’t know why her mother refused. I am trying to forget her but not succeeding.

Is it possible for Syeds to marry another caste?

Is it possible in Islam to have a marriage of a Syed girl with a boy of another caste?

I am a sunni guy loving a sunni girl. Help! This is serious and urgent !

We are both attached and honest with each other, but the problem is she is Memon. Her father is strict in doing marriages with outsiders and my father is strict in doing love marriages. Her father won’t allow us to marry, because they only do marriages in their own cast and tribes .

Love my parents & family, but love him too!

I’m a 20 year old girl studying abroad and met a local there and ‘fall in love’. We’re both muslims, twenty, the difference is that I’m studying medicine and he’s working.

I have to admit I made him my everything; my drug which I was addicted to (which is completely my fault). But everything was well, we were happy and decided to introduce to each other’s parents for blessings.

Family not agreeing due to caste

Hi i am currently going through the a problem and i came across this forum i have known this guy for 6 yrs my family hav met him and know his from a good family and is a good guy and that he will keep me happy but are not allowing me to marry him due to caste difference.

The caste system is interfering with my choice of wife!

I have a problem plz give me a suggestion what should I do. I love a girl so much, i want to marry her as well as such i love her truely since last 3 years & she also wants to marry me but our parents are not accepting her because she belongs to dofferent cast & I belong to a different cast, my mother knows her very well she liked her but the moment i told her that she loves me alot & i love her too my mother refused…

Parents not agreeing to my choice of wife because she is a different caste

I decided to tell my parents about the girl I want to marry, and I did hesitate a little bit first because theres a problem of caste in our family, but then decided that I have not done anything wrong by deciding to marry a girl out of caste.

I want to marry my boyfriend but I’m paranoid that someone has been watching me

Salaams, I have been going out with a guy for about 4years. I know that it is a sin, and i am trying to put things right as we both would like to get married. My mum recently found out about him and i feel as though she is not happy, obviously because i have been seeing him. Now I feel paranoid that someone is following me.

Marrying a girl from a different caste?

Dear sir I want to get married with the said girl, but my mother & all of my family members are against this marriage because we are from different castes. The only reason for the disagreement is the caste problem, there is no other reason.

I don’t want to break her heart, in this situation please help me, what I do.