Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘guilt’

I sent him nude photos and can’t live with the guilt

While we were talking about sex, he asked me to send him my nude photos. I didn’t want to do it at first. Days went by and he again asked me for them. I was so in the mood now that, without thinking, I gave him my one picture.

Am I too “cheap” to marry?

She said the future with me is insecure. That she can’t be with someone who is content how things come to him and says “Allah will always provide for us, our goal is Jannah.”

I shared my body measurements with a guy online

I explained how this is wrong and I will no longer keep the chat open, and that they should forget me, my measurements, what happened…

My boyfriend left me and I can’t stop blaming myself

My ex-boyfriend didn’t like it when I started working. He said that he felt neglected, and wanted more time with me. Now I can’t stop thinking about it….what if I’d been different with him?

I lied that I miscarried his baby…how can I earn his forgiveness?

I lied to my ex-boyfriend, telling him that I was pregnant with his baby at one time. How can I come clean and get his forgiveness when we’re not even talking anymore?

I had sexual relations with a cousin without her consent. Is Allah disappointed in me?

I had oral sex with my cousin without her consent. Will Allah be disappointed in me, even though I now realize it’s wrong?

Cheated on my boyfriend, want to convert to Islam

I want to convert to Islam but I’m scared. I have no Muslim friends and have so many questions. I have stopped drinking and smoking. However the hijab is a big challenge for me.

Ashamed to return to Allah

Allah doesn’t want my good thoughts. Allah doesn’t want my love for quran, for good people, for pious things. Allah doesn’t want my good actions.

How can I repent for my sins if I don’t feel guilty?

After I committed some terrible sins, I felt awful for 3 days. I wish I could get that feeling back again. How can I repent if I don’t feel guilt?

Haram relationship when I was young, now I feel unworthy to marry a good man

Is it wrong of me to marry a decent guy with no past despite having a very wrong past which went to the extent of indecent pictures? I keep repenting but it doesn’t leave my mind.