Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘istikhaarah’

When will my sister marry?

when she is going to be marry and how will be her married life ? Thanks..

Will my marriage to her be successful?

Assalamualikum. My name is arsalan and I want to marry my cousin her name is iqra. Will it be successful or not?

Having difficulty interpreting istikhara for marriage

The guy and I have been together for about 4 months but we decided to stay away from haraam, as his mum didn’t want us going about it like this.
He did istikhara and had a dream with his family then of him reclining against something and becoming uneasy. The sunset was orange and peach and deep orange and its darkest.

He attempted suicide because I left him

Today he is the hospital in critical condition because he tried to commit suicide, because he claims he can’t live without me. Now I’m stuck and torn into pieces, my heart is shattered,…

His parents won’t accept me as I am foreign. I really want their blessings

Im new here. I’m a European girl who converted into islam 9 years ago. I then decided to move to a muslim country wishing to meet a husband with islamic principles.
Two and a half years ago I met him however his parents are against our marriage because I am not from the country (foreigner in their eyes).

My cousin has turned my family against my girlfriend and now they wont let us marry

I wonder if someone can help me too. Me and my girl have been together for 10 months now and its pretty serious, in the sense that her parents know, the whole of my family know, and no one really has any issue..

Can I pray namaaz hajaat to ask Allah for this guy?

I have known a guy from past 13 years..we both wanted to get married but his parents were against this marriage due to certain reasons..after one year they agreed and said that they would first like to get istekhara done so they got it done from a maulvi ,he did for 3 days and it came out negative…

Been intimate with my girlfriend but her family refused me as Istikhaarah is negative

My situation is very complicating.I am a Guy and i have beeen into this girl since last 3 years.. she has been my girlfriend since then and we have been going out steadIly. I am the only guy who she has ever spoken to and the only guy who has ever touch her. we had intimate relation…

Wants interpretation of istikhaara dream

I love one of my friend.. I don´t know whether he loves me or not but we are very good friends, he knows I love him. I did isthekhara for him and the dream was: